is used to list all supported builtin functions in TiDB.
- ShowBuiltinsStmt
ShowBuiltinsStmt ::=
| Supported_builtin_functions |
| abs |
| acos |
| adddate |
| addtime |
| aes_decrypt |
| aes_encrypt |
| and |
| any_value |
| ascii |
| asin |
| atan |
| atan2 |
| benchmark |
| bin |
| bin_to_uuid |
| bit_count |
| bit_length |
| bitand |
| bitneg |
| bitor |
| bitxor |
| case |
| ceil |
| ceiling |
| char_func |
| char_length |
| character_length |
| charset |
| coalesce |
| coercibility |
| collation |
| compress |
| concat |
| concat_ws |
| connection_id |
| conv |
| convert |
| convert_tz |
| cos |
| cot |
| crc32 |
| curdate |
| current_date |
| current_resource_group |
| current_role |
| current_time |
| current_timestamp |
| current_user |
| curtime |
| database |
| date |
| date_add |
| date_format |
| date_sub |
| datediff |
| day |
| dayname |
| dayofmonth |
| dayofweek |
| dayofyear |
| decode |
| default_func |
| degrees |
| div |
| elt |
| encode |
| eq |
| exp |
| export_set |
| extract |
| field |
| find_in_set |
| floor |
| format |
| format_bytes |
| format_nano_time |
| found_rows |
| from_base64 |
| from_days |
| from_unixtime |
| ge |
| get_format |
| get_lock |
| getparam |
| greatest |
| grouping |
| gt |
| hex |
| hour |
| if |
| ifnull |
| ilike |
| in |
| inet6_aton |
| inet6_ntoa |
| inet_aton |
| inet_ntoa |
| insert_func |
| instr |
| intdiv |
| interval |
| is_free_lock |
| is_ipv4 |
| is_ipv4_compat |
| is_ipv4_mapped |
| is_ipv6 |
| is_used_lock |
| is_uuid |
| isfalse |
| isnull |
| istrue |
| json_array |
| json_array_append |
| json_array_insert |
| json_contains |
| json_contains_path |
| json_depth |
| json_extract |
| json_insert |
| json_keys |
| json_length |
| json_memberof |
| json_merge |
| json_merge_patch |
| json_merge_preserve |
| json_object |
| json_overlaps |
| json_pretty |
| json_quote |
| json_remove |
| json_replace |
| json_schema_valid |
| json_search |
| json_set |
| json_storage_free |
| json_storage_size |
| json_type |
| json_unquote |
| json_valid |
| last_day |
| last_insert_id |
| lastval |
| lcase |
| le |
| least |
| left |
| leftshift |
| length |
| like |
| ln |
| load_file |
| localtime |
| localtimestamp |
| locate |
| log |
| log10 |
| log2 |
| lower |
| lpad |
| lt |
| ltrim |
| make_set |
| makedate |
| maketime |
| master_pos_wait |
| md5 |
| microsecond |
| mid |
| minus |
| minute |
| mod |
| month |
| monthname |
| mul |
| name_const |
| ne |
| nextval |
| not |
| now |
| nulleq |
| oct |
| octet_length |
| or |
| ord |
| password |
| period_add |
| period_diff |
| pi |
| plus |
| position |
| pow |
| power |
| quarter |
| quote |
| radians |
| rand |
| random_bytes |
| regexp |
| regexp_instr |
| regexp_like |
| regexp_replace |
| regexp_substr |
| release_all_locks |
| release_lock |
| repeat |
| replace |
| reverse |
| right |
| rightshift |
| round |
| row_count |
| rpad |
| rtrim |
| schema |
| sec_to_time |
| second |
| session_user |
| setval |
| setvar |
| sha |
| sha1 |
| sha2 |
| sign |
| sin |
| sleep |
| sm3 |
| space |
| sqrt |
| str_to_date |
| strcmp |
| subdate |
| substr |
| substring |
| substring_index |
| subtime |
| sysdate |
| system_user |
| tan |
| tidb_bounded_staleness |
| tidb_current_tso |
| tidb_decode_binary_plan |
| tidb_decode_key |
| tidb_decode_plan |
| tidb_decode_sql_digests |
| tidb_encode_index_key |
| tidb_encode_record_key |
| tidb_encode_sql_digest |
| tidb_is_ddl_owner |
| tidb_mvcc_info |
| tidb_parse_tso |
| tidb_parse_tso_logical |
| tidb_row_checksum |
| tidb_shard |
| tidb_version |
| time |
| time_format |
| time_to_sec |
| timediff |
| timestamp |
| timestampadd |
| timestampdiff |
| to_base64 |
| to_days |
| to_seconds |
| translate |
| trim |
| truncate |
| ucase |
| unaryminus |
| uncompress |
| uncompressed_length |
| unhex |
| unix_timestamp |
| upper |
| user |
| utc_date |
| utc_time |
| utc_timestamp |
| uuid |
| uuid_short |
| uuid_to_bin |
| validate_password_strength |
| vec_as_text |
| vec_cosine_distance |
| vec_dims |
| vec_from_text |
| vec_l1_distance |
| vec_l2_distance |
| vec_l2_norm |
| vec_negative_inner_product |
| version |
| vitess_hash |
| week |
| weekday |
| weekofyear |
| weight_string |
| xor |
| year |
| yearweek |
299 rows in set (0.00 sec)
MySQL compatibility
This statement is a TiDB extension to MySQL syntax.