SQL Statement Overview
TiDB uses SQL statements that aim to follow ISO/IEC SQL standards, with extensions for MySQL and TiDB-specific statements where necessary.
Schema management / Data definition statements (DDL)
SQL Statement | Description |
ALTER DATABASE | Modifies a database. |
ALTER SEQUENCE | Modifies a sequence. |
ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN | Adds a column to an existing table. |
ALTER TABLE ... ADD INDEX | Adds an index to an existing table. |
ALTER TABLE ... ALTER INDEX | Changes an index definition. |
ALTER TABLE ... CHANGE COLUMN | Changes a column definition. |
ALTER TABLE ... COMPACT | Compacts a table. |
ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN | Drops a column from a table. |
ALTER TABLE ... MODIFY COLUMN | Modifies a column definition. |
ALTER TABLE ... RENAME INDEX | Renames an index. |
ALTER TABLE | Changes a table definition. |
CREATE DATABASE | Creates a new database. |
CREATE INDEX | Creates a new index on a table. |
CREATE SEQUENCE | Creates a new sequence object. |
CREATE TABLE LIKE | Copies the definition of an existing table, without copying any data. |
CREATE TABLE | Creates a new table. |
CREATE VIEW | Creates a new view. |
DROP DATABASE | Drops an existing database. |
DROP INDEX | Drops an index from a table. |
DROP SEQUENCE | Drops a sequence object. |
DROP TABLE | Drops an existing table. |
DROP VIEW | Drops an existing view. |
RENAME TABLE | Renames a table. |
SHOW COLUMNS FROM | Shows the columns from a table. |
SHOW CREATE DATABASE | Shows the CREATE statement for a database. |
SHOW CREATE SEQUENCE | Shows the CREATE statement for a sequence. |
SHOW CREATE TABLE | Shows the CREATE statement for a table. |
SHOW DATABASES | Shows a list of databases that the current user has privileges to. |
SHOW FIELDS FROM | Shows columns of a table. |
SHOW INDEXES | Shows indexes of a table. |
SHOW SCHEMAS | An alias to SHOW DATABASES , which shows a list of databases that the current user has privileges to. |
SHOW TABLE NEXT_ROW_ID | Shows the next row ID for a table. |
SHOW TABLE REGIONS | Shows the Region information of a table in TiDB. |
SHOW TABLE STATUS | Shows various statistics about tables in TiDB. |
SHOW TABLES | Shows tables in a database. |
TRUNCATE | Truncates all data from a table. |
Data manipulation statements (DML)
SQL Statement | Description |
BATCH | Splits a DML statement into multiple statements in TiDB for execution. |
DELETE | Deletes rows from a table. |
INSERT | Inserts new rows into a table. |
REPLACE | Replaces existing rows or inserts new rows. |
SELECT | Reads data from a table. |
TABLE | Retrieves rows from a table. |
UPDATE | Updates existing rows in a table. |
WITH | Defines common table expressions. |
Transaction statements
SQL Statement | Description |
BEGIN | Begins a new transaction. |
COMMIT | Commits the current transaction. |
ROLLBACK | Rolls back the current transaction. |
SAVEPOINT | Sets a savepoint within a transaction. |
SET TRANSACTION | Changes the current isolation level on a GLOBAL or SESSION basis. |
START TRANSACTION | Starts a new transaction. |
Prepared statements
SQL Statement | Description |
DEALLOCATE | Deallocates a prepared statement, freeing associated resources. |
EXECUTE | Executes a prepared statement with specific parameter values. |
PREPARE | Creates a prepared statement with placeholders. |
Administrative statements
SQL Statement | Description |
ADMIN ALTER DDL JOBS | Modifies the parameter of a single running DDL job. |
ADMIN CANCEL DDL | Cancels a DDL job. |
ADMIN CHECK [TABLE\|INDEX] | Checks the integrity of a table or index. |
ADMIN CHECKSUM TABLE | Computes the checksum of a table. |
ADMIN CLEANUP INDEX | Cleans up indexes from a table. |
ADMIN PAUSE DDL | Pauses DDL operations. |
ADMIN RESUME DDL | Resumes DDL operations. |
ADMIN SHOW DDL [JOBS\|JOB QUERIES] | Shows DDL jobs or job queries. |
ADMIN | Performs various administrative tasks. |
FLUSH TABLES | Included for MySQL compatibility. It has no effective usage in TiDB. |
SET <variable> | Modifies a system variable or user variable. |
SET [NAMES\|CHARACTER SET] | Set a character set and collation. |
SPLIT REGION | Splits a Region into smaller Regions. |
Data import and export
SQL Statement | Description |
CANCEL IMPORT JOB | Cancels an ongoing import job. |
IMPORT INTO | Imports data into a table via the Physical Import Mode of TiDB Lightning. |
LOAD DATA | Loads data into a table from Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage. |
SHOW IMPORT JOB | Shows the status of an import job. |
Backup & restore
SQL Statement | Description |
BACKUP | Performs a distributed backup of the TiDB cluster. |
FLASHBACK CLUSTER | Restores the cluster to a specific snapshot. |
FLASHBACK DATABASE | Restores a database and its data deleted by the DROP statement. |
FLASHBACK TABLE | Restore the tables and data dropped by the DROP or TRUNCATE operation. |
RECOVER TABLE | Recovers a deleted table and the data on it. |
RESTORE | Restores a database from a backup. |
SHOW BACKUPS | Shows backup tasks. |
SHOW RESTORES | Shows restore tasks. |
Placement policy
SQL Statement | Description |
ALTER PLACEMENT POLICY | Modifies a placement policy. |
ALTER RANGE | Modifies the range of a placement policy. |
CREATE PLACEMENT POLICY | Creates a new placement policy. |
DROP PLACEMENT POLICY | Drops an existing placement policy. |
SHOW CREATE PLACEMENT POLICY | Shows the CREATE statement for a placement policy. |
SHOW PLACEMENT FOR | Shows placement rules for a specific table. |
SHOW PLACEMENT LABELS | Shows available placement labels. |
SHOW PLACEMENT | Shows placement rules. |
Resource groups
SQL Statement | Description |
ALTER RESOURCE GROUP | Modifies a resource group. |
CALIBRATE RESOURCE | Estimates and outputs the Request Unit (RU) capacity of the current cluster. |
CREATE RESOURCE GROUP | Creates a new resource group. |
DROP RESOURCE GROUP | Drops a resource group. |
QUERY WATCH | Manages the runaway query watch list. |
SET RESOURCE GROUP | Sets a resource group. |
SHOW CREATE RESOURCE GROUP | Shows the CREATE statement for a resource group. |
Utility statements
SQL Statement | Description |
DESC | An alias to DESCRIBE , which shows the structure of a table. |
DESCRIBE | Shows the structure of a table. |
DO | Executes an expression but does not return any results. |
EXPLAIN | Shows the execution plan of a query. |
TRACE | Provides detailed information about query execution. |
USE | Sets the current database. |
Show statements
SQL Statement | Description |
SHOW BUILTINS | Lists builtin functions. |
SHOW CHARACTER SET | Lists character sets. |
SHOW COLLATIONS | Lists collations. |
SHOW ERRORS | Shows errors from previously executed statements. |
SHOW STATUS | Included for compatibility with MySQL. TiDB uses Prometheus and Grafana for centralized metrics collection instead of SHOW STATUS for most metrics. |
SHOW VARIABLES | Shows system variables. |
SHOW WARNINGS | Shows warnings and notes from previously executed statements. |
Instance management
SQL Statement | Description |
ALTER INSTANCE | Modifies an instance. |
FLUSH STATUS | Included for compatibility with MySQL. TiDB uses Prometheus and Grafana for centralized metrics collection instead of SHOW STATUS for most metrics. |
KILL | Kills a connection in any TiDB instance in the current TiDB cluster. |
SHOW CONFIG | Shows the configuration of various components of TiDB. |
SHOW ENGINES | Shows available storage engines. |
SHOW PLUGINS | Shows installed plugins. |
SHOW PROCESSLIST | Shows the current sessions connected to the same TiDB server. |
SHOW PROFILES | Included for compatibility with MySQL. Currently, it only returns an empty result. |
SHUTDOWN | Stops the client-connected TiDB instance, not the entire TiDB cluster. |
Locking statements
SQL Statement | Description |
LOCK STATS | Locks statistics of tables or partitions. |
LOCK TABLES | Locks tables for the current session. |
UNLOCK STATS | Unlocks statistics of tables or partitions. |
UNLOCK TABLES | Unlocks tables. |
Account management / Data Control Language
SQL Statement | Description |
ALTER USER | Modifies a user. |
CREATE ROLE | Creates a role. |
CREATE USER | Creates a new user. |
DROP ROLE | Drops an existing role. |
DROP USER | Drops an existing user. |
FLUSH PRIVILEGES | Reloads the in-memory copy of privileges from the privilege tables. |
GRANT <privileges> | Grants privileges. |
GRANT <role> | Grants a role. |
RENAME USER | Renames an existing user. |
REVOKE <privileges> | Revokes privileges. |
REVOKE <role> | Revokes a role. |
SET DEFAULT ROLE | Sets a default role. |
SET PASSWORD | Changes a password. |
SET ROLE | Enables roles in the current session. |
SHOW CREATE USER | Shows the CREATE statement for a user. |
SHOW GRANTS | Shows privileges associated with a user. |
SHOW PRIVILEGES | Shows available privileges. |
SQL Statement | Description |
ADMIN [SET\|SHOW\|UNSET] BDR ROLE | Manages BDR roles. |
SHOW MASTER STATUS | Shows the latest TSO in the cluster. |
Statistics and plan management
SQL Statement | Description |
ANALYZE TABLE | Collects statistics about a table. |
CREATE BINDING | Creates an execution plan binding for a SQL statement. |
DROP BINDING | Drops an execution plan binding from a SQL statement. |
DROP STATS | Drops statistics from a table. |
EXPLAIN ANALYZE | Works similar to EXPLAIN , with the major difference that it will execute the statement. |
LOAD STATS | Loads statistics into TiDB. |
SHOW ANALYZE STATUS | Shows statistics collection tasks. |
SHOW BINDINGS | Shows created SQL bindings. |
SHOW COLUMN_STATS_USAGE | Shows the last usage time and collection time of column statistics. |
SHOW STATS_BUCKETS | Shows the bucket information in statistics. |
SHOW STATS_HEALTHY | Shows an estimation of how accurate statistics are believed to be. |
SHOW STATS_HISTOGRAMS | Shows the histogram information in statistics. |
SHOW STATS_LOCKED | Shows the tables whose statistics are locked. |
SHOW STATS_META | Shows how many rows are in a table and how many rows are changed in that table. |
SHOW STATS_TOPN | Shows the Top-N information in statistics. |