Integrate TiDB Cloud with Prometheus and Grafana (Beta)


TiDB Cloud provides a Prometheus API endpoint (beta). If you have a Prometheus service, you can monitor key metrics of TiDB Cloud from the endpoint easily.

This document describes how to configure your Prometheus service to read key metrics from the TiDB Cloud endpoint and how to view the metrics using Grafana.


  • To integrate TiDB Cloud with Prometheus, you must have a self-hosted or managed Prometheus service.

  • To edit third-party integration settings of TiDB Cloud, you must have the Organization Owner access to your organization or Project Member access to the target project in TiDB Cloud.


  • You cannot use the Prometheus and Grafana integration in TiDB Cloud Serverless clusters.

  • Prometheus and Grafana integrations are not available when the cluster status is CREATING, RESTORING, PAUSED, or RESUMING.


Step 1. Get a scrape_config file for Prometheus

Before configuring your Prometheus service to read metrics of TiDB Cloud, you need to generate a scrape_config YAML file in TiDB Cloud first. The scrape_config file contains a unique bearer token that allows the Prometheus service to monitor any database clusters in the current project.

To get the scrape_config file for Prometheus, do the following:

  1. Log in to the TiDB Cloud console.

  2. Click in the lower-left corner, switch to the target project if you have multiple projects, and then click Project Settings.

  3. On the Project Settings page of your project, click Integrations in the left navigation pane, and then click Integration to Prometheus (BETA).

  4. Click Add File to generate and show the scrape_config file for the current project.

  5. Make a copy of the scrape_config file content for later use.

Step 2. Integrate with Prometheus

  1. In the monitoring directory specified by your Prometheus service, locate the Prometheus configuration file.

    For example, /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml.

  2. In the Prometheus configuration file, locate the scrape_configs section, and then copy the scrape_config file content obtained from TiDB Cloud to the section.

  3. In your Prometheus service, check Status > Targets to confirm that the new scrape_config file has been read. If not, you might need to restart the Prometheus service.

Step 3. Use Grafana GUI dashboards to visualize the metrics

After your Prometheus service is reading metrics from TiDB Cloud, you can use Grafana GUI dashboards to visualize the metrics as follows:

  1. Download the Grafana dashboard JSON of TiDB Cloud here.
  2. Import this JSON to your own Grafana GUI to visualize the metrics.
  3. (Optional) Customize the dashboard as needed by adding or removing panels, changing data sources, and modifying display options.

For more information about how to use Grafana, see Grafana documentation.

Best practice of rotating scrape_config

To improve data security, it is a general best practice to periodically rotate scrape_config file bearer tokens.

  1. Follow Step 1 to create a new scrape_config file for Prometheus.
  2. Add the content of the new file to your Prometheus configuration file.
  3. Once you have confirmed that your Prometheus service is still able to read from TiDB Cloud, remove the content of the old scrape_config file from your Prometheus configuration file.
  4. On the Integration page of your project, delete the corresponding old scrape_config file to block anyone else from using it to read from the TiDB Cloud Prometheus endpoint.

Metrics available to Prometheus

Prometheus tracks the following metric data for your TiDB clusters.

Metric nameMetric typeLabelsDescription
tidbcloud_db_queries_totalcountsql_type: Select\|Insert\|...
cluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…
component: tidb
The total number of statements executed
tidbcloud_db_failed_queries_totalcounttype: planner:xxx\|executor:2345\|...
cluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…
component: tidb
The total number of execution errors
tidbcloud_db_connectionsgaugecluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…
component: tidb
Current number of connections in your TiDB server
tidbcloud_db_query_duration_secondshistogramsql_type: Select\|Insert\|...
cluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…
component: tidb
The duration histogram of statements
tidbcloud_changefeed_latencygaugechangefeed_idThe data replication latency between the upstream and the downstream of a changefeed
tidbcloud_changefeed_checkpoint_tsgaugechangefeed_idThe checkpoint timestamp of a changefeed, representing the largest TSO (Timestamp Oracle) successfully written to the downstream
tidbcloud_changefeed_replica_rowsgaugechangefeed_idThe number of replicated rows that a changefeed writes to the downstream per second
tidbcloud_node_storage_used_bytesgaugecluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tikv-0\|tikv-1…\|tiflash-0\|tiflash-1…
component: tikv\|tiflash
The disk usage bytes of TiKV/TiFlash nodes
tidbcloud_node_storage_capacity_bytesgaugecluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tikv-0\|tikv-1…\|tiflash-0\|tiflash-1…
component: tikv\|tiflash
The disk capacity bytes of TiKV/TiFlash nodes
tidbcloud_node_cpu_seconds_totalcountcluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…\|tikv-0…\|tiflash-0…
component: tidb\|tikv\|tiflash
The CPU usage of TiDB/TiKV/TiFlash nodes
tidbcloud_node_cpu_capacity_coresgaugecluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…\|tikv-0…\|tiflash-0…
component: tidb\|tikv\|tiflash
The CPU limit cores of TiDB/TiKV/TiFlash nodes
tidbcloud_node_memory_used_bytesgaugecluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…\|tikv-0…\|tiflash-0…
component: tidb\|tikv\|tiflash
The used memory bytes of TiDB/TiKV/TiFlash nodes
tidbcloud_node_memory_capacity_bytesgaugecluster_name: <cluster name>
instance: tidb-0\|tidb-1…\|tikv-0…\|tiflash-0…
component: tidb\|tikv\|tiflash
The memory capacity bytes of TiDB/TiKV/TiFlash nodes


  • Why does the same metric have different values on Grafana and the TiDB Cloud console at the same time?

    The aggregation calculation logic is different between Grafana and TiDB Cloud, so the displayed aggregated values might differ. You can adjust the mini step configuration in Grafana to get more fine-grained metric values.

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