TSO Configuration File

The TSO node is used for providing the tso microservice for PD. This document is applicable only in PD microservice mode.


  • The name of the TSO node
  • Default value: "TSO"
  • To start multiple TSO nodes, use a unique name for each node.


  • The directory in which the TSO node stores data
  • Default value: "default.${name}"


  • The client URL that the current TSO node listens to
  • Default value: ""
  • When deploying a cluster, you must specify the IP address of the current host as listen-addr (for example, ""). If the node runs on Docker, specify the Docker IP address as "".
  • The URL for the client to access the TSO node
  • Default value: "${listen-addr}"
  • In some situations such as in Docker or NAT network environments, if a client cannot access the TSO node through the default client URLs listened to by the TSO node, you must manually set advertise-listen-addr for client access.
  • For example, the internal IP address of Docker is, while the IP address of the host is and the port mapping is set to -p 3379:3379. In this case, you can set advertise-listen-addr="". Then, the client can find this service through


  • The list of backend endpoints of other TSO nodes that the current TSO node listens to
  • Default value: ""


  • The timeout of the TSO Primary Key lease. After the timeout, the system re-elects a Primary.
  • Default value: 3
  • Unit: seconds


  • The interval at which the TSO physical time is updated.
  • Within the default update interval of the TSO physical time (50ms), the TSO server provides at most 262144 TSOs. To get more TSOs, you can reduce the value of this configuration item. The minimum value is 1ms.
  • Shortening this interval might increase the CPU usage of the TSO server. According to tests, compared with the update interval of 50ms, the CPU usage of the TSO server increases by about 10% when the interval is 1ms.
  • Default value: 50ms
  • Minimum value: 1ms


Configuration items related to security


  • The path of the CA file
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file that contains the X.509 certificate
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the PEM file that contains the X.509 key
  • Default value: ""


  • Controls whether to enable log redaction in TSO node logs.
  • When you set the configuration value to true, user data is redacted in TSO node logs.
  • Default value: false


Configuration items related to logs.


  • Specifies the level of the output log.
  • Optional value: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal"
  • Default value: "info"


  • The log format
  • Optional value: "text", "json"
  • Default value: "text"


  • Controls whether to disable the automatically generated timestamp in logs.
  • Default value: false


Configuration items related to the log file


  • The maximum size of a single log file. When this value is exceeded, the system automatically splits the log into several files.
  • Default value: 300
  • Unit: MiB
  • Minimum value: 1


  • The maximum number of days in which a log is kept.
  • If the configuration item is unset or set to the default value 0, TSO does not clean up log files.
  • Default value: 0


  • The maximum number of log files to be kept.
  • If the configuration item is unset or set to the default value 0, TSO keeps all log files.
  • Default value: 0


Configuration items related to monitoring


  • The interval at which monitoring metric data is pushed to Prometheus
  • Default value: 15s

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