Scheduling Configuration File

The Scheduling node is used for providing the scheduling microservice for PD. This document is applicable only in PD microservice mode.


  • The name of the Scheduling node
  • Default value: "Scheduling"
  • To start multiple Scheduling nodes, use a unique name for each node.


  • The directory in which the Scheduling node stores data
  • Default value: "default.${name}"


  • The client URL that the current Scheduling node listens to
  • Default value: ""
  • When deploying a cluster, you must specify the IP address of the current host as listen-addr (for example, ""). If the node runs on Docker, specify the Docker IP address as "".
  • The URL for the client to access the Scheduling node
  • Default value: "${listen-addr}"
  • In some situations such as in Docker or NAT network environments, if a client cannot access the Scheduling node through the default client URLs listened to by the Scheduling node, you must manually set advertise-listen-addr for client access.
  • For example, the internal IP address of Docker is, while the IP address of the host is and the port mapping is set to -p 3379:3379. In this case, you can set advertise-listen-addr="". Then, the client can find this service through


  • The list of backend endpoints of other Scheduling nodes that the current Scheduling node listens to
  • Default value: ""


  • The timeout of the Scheduling Primary Key lease. After the timeout, the system re-elects a Primary.
  • Default value: 3
  • Unit: seconds


Configuration items related to security


  • The path of the CA file
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file that contains the X.509 certificate
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the PEM file that contains the X.509 key
  • Default value: ""


  • Controls whether to enable log redaction in Scheduling node logs.
  • When you set the configuration value to true, user data is redacted in Scheduling node logs.
  • Default value: false


Configuration items related to logs.


  • Specifies the level of the output log.
  • Optional value: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal"
  • Default value: "info"


  • The log format
  • Optional value: "text", "json"
  • Default value: "text"


  • Controls whether to disable the automatically generated timestamp in logs.
  • Default value: false


Configuration items related to the log file


  • The maximum size of a single log file. When this value is exceeded, the system automatically splits the log into several files.
  • Default value: 300
  • Unit: MiB
  • Minimum value: 1


  • The maximum number of days in which a log is kept.
  • If the configuration item is unset or set to the default value 0, Scheduling does not clean up log files.
  • Default value: 0


  • The maximum number of log files to be kept.
  • If the configuration item is unset or set to the default value 0, Scheduling keeps all log files.
  • Default value: 0


Configuration items related to monitoring


  • The interval at which monitoring metric data is pushed to Prometheus
  • Default value: 15s

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