使用 TiDB Data Migration 处理出错的 DDL 语句


本文介绍了如何使用 TiDB Data Migration (DM) 来处理出错的 DDL 语句。

目前,TiDB 并不完全兼容所有的 MySQL 语法(详见 DDL 的限制)。当使用 DM 从 MySQL 迁移数据到 TiDB 时,如果 TiDB 不支持对应的 DDL 语句,可能会造成错误并中断迁移任务。在这种情况下,DM 提供 binlog 命令来恢复迁移。


如果业务不能接受下游 TiDB 跳过异常的 DDL 语句,也不接受使用其他 DDL 语句作为替代,不接受插入其他 DDL 语句,则不适合使用此方式进行处理。

比如:DROP PRIMARY KEY,这种情况下,只能在下游重建一个(DDL 执行完后的)新表结构对应的表,并将原表的全部数据重新导入该新表。


迁移过程中,上游执行了 TiDB 不支持的 DDL 语句并迁移到了 DM,造成迁移任务中断。

  • 如果业务能接受下游 TiDB 不执行该 DDL 语句,则使用 binlog skip <task-name> 跳过对该 DDL 语句的迁移以恢复迁移任务。
  • 如果业务能接受下游 TiDB 执行其他 DDL 语句来作为替代,则使用 binlog replace <task-name> 替代该 DDL 的迁移以恢复迁移任务。
  • 如果业务能接受下游 TiDB 插入执行其他 DDL 语句,则使用 binlog inject <task-name> 插入其他 DDL 以恢复迁移任务。


使用 dmctl 手动处理出错的 DDL 语句时,主要使用的命令包括 query-statusbinlog


query-status 命令用于查询当前 MySQL 实例内子任务及 relay 单元等的状态和错误信息,详见查询状态


binlog 命令管理和查看 binlog 操作。命令仅在 DM v6.0 及其以后版本支持,之前版本可使用 handle-error 命令。

binlog 命令用法如下:

binlog -h
manage or show binlog operations Usage: dmctl binlog [command] Available Commands: inject inject the current error event or a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) with some ddls list list error handle command at binlog position (binlog-pos) or after binlog position (binlog-pos) replace replace the current error event or a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) with some ddls revert revert the current binlog operation or a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) operation skip skip the current error event or a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) event Flags: -b, --binlog-pos string position used to match binlog event if matched the binlog operation will be applied. The format like "mysql-bin|000001.000003:3270" -h, --help help for binlog Global Flags: -s, --source strings MySQL Source ID. Use "dmctl binlog [command] --help" for more information about a command.

binlog 支持如下子命令:

  • inject:在 DDL binlog 位置插入 DDL 语句,binlog 位置指定方式参考 -b, --binlog-pos
  • list:查看 binlog 位置以及此位置之后的有效 inject/skip/replace 操作,binlog 位置指定方式参考 -b, --binlog-pos
  • replace:替代 DDL binlog 位置的 DDL 语句,binlog 位置指定方式参考 -b, --binlog-pos
  • revert:重置 binlog 位置的 inject/skip/replace 操作,仅在先前的操作没有最终生效前执行,binlog 位置指定方式参考 -b, --binlog-pos
  • skip:跳过 binlog 位置的 DDL 语句, binlog 位置指定方式参考 -b, --binlog-pos

binlog 支持如下参数:

  • -b, --binlog-pos

    • 类型:string。
    • 指定 binlog 位置,表示操作将在 binlog-pos 与 binlog event 的 position 匹配时生效。若不指定,DM 会默认置为当前出错的 DDL 语句的 binlog 位置。
    • 格式:binlog-filename:binlog-pos,例如 mysql-bin|000001.000003:3270
    • 在迁移执行出错后,binlog position 可直接从 query-status 返回的 startLocation 中的 position 获得;在迁移执行出错前,binlog position 可在上游 MySQL 中使用 SHOW BINLOG EVENTS 获得。
  • -s, --source strings

    • 类型:string。
    • source 指定预设操作将生效的 MySQL 实例。
  • 其他参数参考 -h 提示。



如需在迁移中断时执行跳过操作,可使用 binlog skip 命令:

binlog skip -h
skip the current error event or a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) event Usage: dmctl binlog skip <task-name> [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for skip Global Flags: -b, --binlog-pos string position used to match binlog event if matched the binlog operation will be applied. The format like "mysql-bin|000001.000003:3270" -s, --source strings MySQL Source ID.


假设现在需要将上游的 db1.tbl1 表迁移到下游 TiDB,初始时表结构为:

+-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+--------------------------------------------------+ | tbl1 | CREATE TABLE `tbl1` ( `c1` int NOT NULL, `c2` decimal(11,3) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`c1`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 | +-------+--------------------------------------------------+

此时,上游执行以下 DDL 操作修改表结构(将列的 DECIMAL(11, 3) 修改为 DECIMAL(10, 3)):

ALTER TABLE db1.tbl1 CHANGE c2 c2 DECIMAL (10, 3);

则会由于 TiDB 不支持该 DDL 语句而导致 DM 迁移任务中断,使用 query-status <task-name> 命令可看到如下错误:

ERROR 8200 (HY000): Unsupported modify column: can't change decimal column precision

假设业务上可以接受下游 TiDB 不执行此 DDL 语句(即继续保持原有的表结构),则可以通过使用 binlog skip <task-name> 命令跳过该 DDL 语句以恢复迁移任务。操作步骤如下:

  1. 使用 binlog skip <task-name> 跳过当前错误的 DDL 语句

    » binlog skip test
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" } ] }
  2. 使用 query-status <task-name> 查看任务状态

    » query-status test
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "sourceStatus": { "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1", "result": null, "relayStatus": null }, "subTaskStatus": [ { "name": "test", "stage": "Running", "unit": "Sync", "result": null, "unresolvedDDLLockID": "", "sync": { "masterBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "masterBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-10", "syncerBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "syncerBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-4", "blockingDDLs": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "synced": true, "binlogType": "remote", "totalRows": "4", "totalRps": "0", "recentRps": "0" } } ] } ] }

    可以看到任务运行正常,错误的 DDL 被跳过。


假设现在存在如下四个上游表需要合并迁移到下游的同一个表 `shard_db`.`shard_table`,任务模式为悲观协调模式:

  • MySQL 实例 1 内有 shard_db_1 库,包括 shard_table_1shard_table_2 两个表。
  • MySQL 实例 2 内有 shard_db_2 库,包括 shard_table_1shard_table_2 两个表。


SHOW CREATE TABLE shard_db.shard_table;
+-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tb | CREATE TABLE `shard_table` ( `id` int DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_bin | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

此时,在上游所有分表上都执行以下 DDL 操作修改表字符集


则会由于 TiDB 不支持该 DDL 语句而导致 DM 迁移任务中断,使用 query-status 命令可以看到 MySQL 实例 1 的 shard_db_1.shard_table_1 表和 MySQL 实例 2 的 shard_db_2.shard_table_1 表报错:

{ "Message": "cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_1` CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_UNICODE_CI", "RawCause": "[ddl:8200]Unsupported modify charset from latin1 to utf8" }
{ "Message": "cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_1` CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_UNICODE_CI", "RawCause": "[ddl:8200]Unsupported modify charset from latin1 to utf8" }

假设业务上可以接受下游 TiDB 不执行此 DDL 语句(即继续保持原有的表结构),则可以通过使用 binlog skip <task-name> 命令跳过该 DDL 语句以恢复迁移任务。操作步骤如下:

  1. 使用 binlog skip <task-name> 跳过 MySQL 实例 1 和实例 2 当前错误的 DDL 语句

    » binlog skip test
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" }, { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-02", "worker": "worker2" } ] }
  2. 使用 query-status <task-name> 查看任务状态,可以看到 MySQL 实例 1 的 shard_db_1.shard_table_2 表和 MySQL 实例 2 的 shard_db_2.shard_table_2 表报错:

    { "Message": "cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_2` CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_UNICODE_CI", "RawCause": "[ddl:8200]Unsupported modify charset from latin1 to utf8" }
    { "Message": "cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_2` CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE UTF8_UNICODE_CI", "RawCause": "[ddl:8200]Unsupported modify charset from latin1 to utf8" }
  3. 继续使用 binlog skip <task-name> 跳过 MySQL 实例 1 和实例 2 当前错误的 DDL 语句

    » binlog skip test
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" }, { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-02", "worker": "worker2" } ] }
  4. 使用 query-status <task-name> 查看任务状态

    » query-status test
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "sourceStatus": { "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1", "result": null, "relayStatus": null }, "subTaskStatus": [ { "name": "test", "stage": "Running", "unit": "Sync", "result": null, "unresolvedDDLLockID": "", "sync": { "masterBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "masterBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-10", "syncerBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "syncerBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-4", "blockingDDLs": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "synced": true, "binlogType": "remote", "totalRows": "4", "totalRps": "0", "recentRps": "0" } } ] }, { "result": true, "msg": "", "sourceStatus": { "source": "mysql-replica-02", "worker": "worker2", "result": null, "relayStatus": null }, "subTaskStatus": [ { "name": "test", "stage": "Running", "unit": "Sync", "result": null, "unresolvedDDLLockID": "", "sync": { "masterBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "masterBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-10", "syncerBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "syncerBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-4", "blockingDDLs": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "synced": true, "binlogType": "remote", "totalRows": "4", "totalRps": "0", "recentRps": "0" } } ] } ] }

    可以看到任务运行正常,无错误信息。四条 DDL 全部被跳过。


如需在迁移中断时执行替代操作,可使用 binlog replace 命令:

binlog replace -h
replace the current error event or a specific binlog position (binlog-pos) with some ddls Usage: dmctl binlog replace <task-name> <replace-sql1> <replace-sql2>... [flags] Flags: -h, --help help for replace Global Flags: -b, --binlog-pos string position used to match binlog event if matched the binlog operation will be applied. The format like "mysql-bin|000001.000003:3270" -s, --source strings MySQL Source ID.


假设现在需要将上游的 db1.tbl1 表迁移到下游 TiDB,初始时表结构为:

+-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tb | CREATE TABLE `tbl1` ( `id` int DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_bin | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

此时,上游执行以下 DDL 操作增加新列,并添加 UNIQUE 约束


则会由于 TiDB 不支持该 DDL 语句而导致 DM 迁移任务中断,使用 query-status 命令可看到如下错误:

{ "Message": "cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE `db1`.`tbl1` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT UNIQUE KEY", "RawCause": "[ddl:8200]unsupported add column 'new_col' constraint UNIQUE KEY when altering 'db1.tbl1'", }

我们将该 DDL 替换成两条等价的 DDL。操作步骤如下:

  1. 使用如下命令替换错误的 DDL 语句

    » binlog replace test "ALTER TABLE `db1`.`tbl1` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT;ALTER TABLE `db1`.`tbl1` ADD UNIQUE(`new_col`)";
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" } ] }
  2. 使用 query-status <task-name> 查看任务状态

    » query-status test
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "sourceStatus": { "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1", "result": null, "relayStatus": null }, "subTaskStatus": [ { "name": "test", "stage": "Running", "unit": "Sync", "result": null, "unresolvedDDLLockID": "", "sync": { "masterBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "masterBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-10", "syncerBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "syncerBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-4", "blockingDDLs": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "synced": true, "binlogType": "remote", "totalRows": "4", "totalRps": "0", "recentRps": "0" } } ] } ] }

    可以看到任务运行正常,错误的 DDL 已被替换且执行成功。


假设现在存在如下四个上游表需要合并迁移到下游的同一个表 `shard_db`.`shard_table`,任务模式为悲观协调模式:

  • MySQL 实例 1 内有 shard_db_1 库,包括 shard_table_1shard_table_2 两个表。
  • MySQL 实例 2 内有 shard_db_2 库,包括 shard_table_1shard_table_2 两个表。


SHOW CREATE TABLE shard_db.shard_table;
+-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tb | CREATE TABLE `shard_table` ( `id` int DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_bin | +-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

此时,在上游所有分表上都执行以下 DDL 操作增加新列,并添加 UNIQUE 约束:

ALTER TABLE `shard_db_*`.`shard_table_*` ADD COLUMN new_col INT UNIQUE;

则会由于 TiDB 不支持该 DDL 语句而导致 DM 迁移任务中断,使用 query-status 命令可以看到 MySQL 实例 1 的 shard_db_1.shard_table_1 表和 MySQL 实例 2 的 shard_db_2.shard_table_1 表报错:

{ "Message": "cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_1` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT UNIQUE KEY", "RawCause": "[ddl:8200]unsupported add column 'new_col' constraint UNIQUE KEY when altering 'shard_db_1.shard_table_1'", }
{ "Message": "cannot track DDL: ALTER TABLE `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_1` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT UNIQUE KEY", "RawCause": "[ddl:8200]unsupported add column 'new_col' constraint UNIQUE KEY when altering 'shard_db_2.shard_table_1'", }

我们将该 DDL 替换成两条等价的 DDL。操作步骤如下:

  1. 使用如下命令分别替换 MySQL 实例 1 和实例 2 中错误的 DDL 语句

    » binlog replace test -s mysql-replica-01 "ALTER TABLE `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_1` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT;ALTER TABLE `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_1` ADD UNIQUE(`new_col`)";
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" } ] }
    » binlog replace test -s mysql-replica-02 "ALTER TABLE `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_1` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT;ALTER TABLE `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_1` ADD UNIQUE(`new_col`)";
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-02", "worker": "worker2" } ] }
  2. 使用 query-status <task-name> 查看任务状态,可以看到 MySQL 实例 1 的 shard_db_1.shard_table_2 表和 MySQL 实例 2 的 shard_db_2.shard_table_2 表报错:

    { "Message": "detect inconsistent DDL sequence from source ... ddls: [ALTER TABLE `shard_db`.`tb` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT UNIQUE KEY] source: `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_2`], right DDL sequence should be ..." }
    { "Message": "detect inconsistent DDL sequence from source ... ddls: [ALTER TABLE `shard_db`.`tb` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT UNIQUE KEY] source: `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_2`], right DDL sequence should be ..." }
  3. 使用如下命令继续分别替换 MySQL 实例 1 和实例 2 中错误的 DDL 语句

    » binlog replace test -s mysql-replica-01 "ALTER TABLE `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_2` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT;ALTER TABLE `shard_db_1`.`shard_table_2` ADD UNIQUE(`new_col`)";
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" } ] }
    » binlog replace test -s mysql-replica-02 "ALTER TABLE `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_2` ADD COLUMN `new_col` INT;ALTER TABLE `shard_db_2`.`shard_table_2` ADD UNIQUE(`new_col`)";
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-02", "worker": "worker2" } ] }
  4. 使用 query-status <task-name> 查看任务状态

    » query-status test
    { "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "sourceStatus": { "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1", "result": null, "relayStatus": null }, "subTaskStatus": [ { "name": "test", "stage": "Running", "unit": "Sync", "result": null, "unresolvedDDLLockID": "", "sync": { "masterBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "masterBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-10", "syncerBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "syncerBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-4", "blockingDDLs": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "synced": true, "binlogType": "remote", "totalRows": "4", "totalRps": "0", "recentRps": "0" } } ] }, { "result": true, "msg": "", "sourceStatus": { "source": "mysql-replica-02", "worker": "worker2", "result": null, "relayStatus": null }, "subTaskStatus": [ { "name": "test", "stage": "Running", "unit": "Sync", "result": null, "unresolvedDDLLockID": "", "sync": { "masterBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "masterBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-10", "syncerBinlog": "(DESKTOP-T561TSO-bin.000001, 2388)", "syncerBinlogGtid": "143bdef3-dd4a-11ea-8b00-00155de45f57:1-4", "blockingDDLs": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "unresolvedGroups": [ ], "synced": try, "binlogType": "remote", "totalRows": "4", "totalRps": "0", "recentRps": "0" } } ] } ] }

    可以看到任务运行正常,无错误信息。四条 DDL 全部被替换。


binlog 其他命令的使用,请参考上述 binlog skipbinlog replace 命令的使用方式。
