TiDB Cloud Support
TiDB Cloud offers tiered support plan offerings tailored to meet customers' needs. For more information, see Connected Care Details.
Access PingCAP Help Center
The PingCAP Help Center is the central hub for TiDB Cloud users to access support services and manage support tickets.
You can access the PingCAP Help Center via https://tidb.support.pingcap.com/servicedesk/customer/portals directly, or through the TiDB Cloud console in the following ways:
- Click ? in the lower-right corner of the TiDB Cloud console, and then click Request Support.
- Click in the lower-left corner of TiDB Cloud console, click Support, and then click Create a Support Ticket.
- On the Clusters page of your project, click ... in the row of your cluster, and then select Get Support.
- On your cluster overview page, click ... in the upper-right corner, and then select Get Support.
Create an account or billing support ticket
To create a support ticket about account or billing issues, take the following steps:
Log in to the PingCAP Help Center, and then click TiDB Cloud Account/Billing Support.
Click Submit a request.
Fill in the following fields:
- Summary: provide a brief summary of your question.
- TiDB Cloud Org: select the relevant TiDB Cloud organization, if applicable.
- TiDB Cloud Cluster: select the relevant TiDB Cloud cluster, if applicable.
- Description: provide the details about the issue.
- Severity: estimate the business impact of the issue and choose the proper severity for it. (S1 is not applicable to billing or account issues.)
Click Submit.
Create a technical support ticket
To create a support ticket about technical issues, take the following steps:
Log in to the PingCAP Help Center, and then click TiDB Cloud Technical Support.
Click Submit a request.
Fill in the following fields:
Summary: provide a brief summary of your question.
TiDB Cloud Org: select the relevant TiDB Cloud organization for the issue.
TiDB Cloud Cluster: select the relevant TiDB Cloud cluster, if applicable.
Environment: select the corresponding environment in which you use the TiDB Cloud cluster.
Description: describe the issue you encountered as detailed as possible. For example, share the exact timestamp when you encountered the issue, attach the detailed error messages and call stack of the issue, and add your troubleshooting or analysis of the issue.
Severity: estimate the business impact of the issue and choose the proper severity for it.
Severity Description S1 Complete loss of production environmental functionality S2 High impact on operations in production environments S3 Non-critical database usage issues in production or non-production environments S4 General question on how a particular feature or function performs or should be configured. An issue that has minimal impact on business and can be tolerated for a reasonable period. Components: select the relevant TiDB Cloud component to report the issue for, such as TiDB, TiKV, PD, or TiFlash.
Affects versions: specify the TiDB Cloud cluster version related to the issue.
Click Submit.
View support tickets
To view all the historical support tickets, log in to the PingCAP Help Center, click your avatar in the upper-right corner, and then click Requests.
Check or upgrade your support plan
TiDB Cloud offers a free basic support plan by default. For extended services, you can upgrade to a paid plan.
To check or upgrade your support plan, perform the following steps:
In the TiDB Cloud console, click in the lower-left corner, and then click Support to go to the support page.
On this page, you can find your Current Plan. By default, the Basic free plan is selected.
Choose your desired support plan.
- Upgrade to Developer or Enterprise
- Upgrade to Premium
To upgrade to Developer or Enterprise:
Click Upgrade in the Developer or Enterprise pane. An Upgrade to Developer Plan or Upgrade to Enterprise Plan page is displayed.
Check the corresponding support service information on the page. For a complete version of each support plan, see Connected Care Details.
Click Add Credit Card and Upgrade, and then fill in the Credit Card details.
For more information about billing, see TiDB Cloud Payment Method.
Click Save Card in the lower-right corner of the page.
After the payment is finished, you have upgraded your plan to Standard or Enterprise.
To upgrade your plan to Premium:
- Click Contact Sales in the Premium pane. A Contact Us page is displayed.
- Fill in and submit your contact information on the page. Then, the support team will contact you and help you with your subscription.
Downgrade your support plan
To downgrade your support plan, perform the following steps:
- In the TiDB Cloud console, click in the lower-left corner, and then click Support to go to the support page.
- Choose the support plan you want to switch to, and then click Downgrade.