Limited SQL features on TiDB Cloud

TiDB Cloud works with almost all workloads that TiDB supports, but there are some feature differences between TiDB Self-Managed and TiDB Cloud Dedicated/Serverless. This document describes the limitations of SQL features on TiDB Cloud. We are constantly filling in the feature gaps between TiDB Self-Managed and TiDB Cloud Dedicated/Serverless. If you require these features or capabilities in the gap, contact us for a feature request.


Placement and range management

StatementTiDB Cloud DedicatedTiDB Cloud Serverless
ALTER PLACEMENT POLICYSupportedNot supported 1
CREATE PLACEMENT POLICYSupportedNot supported 1
DROP PLACEMENT POLICYSupportedNot supported 1
SHOW PLACEMENTSupportedNot supported 1
SHOW PLACEMENT FORSupportedNot supported 1
SHOW PLACEMENT LABELSSupportedNot supported 1
SHOW TABLE REGIONSSupportedNot supported 1
SPLIT REGIONSupportedNot supported 1

Resource groups

StatementTiDB Cloud DedicatedTiDB Cloud Serverless
ALTER RESOURCE GROUPSupportedNot supported 2
CALIBRATE RESOURCENot supportedNot supported 2
CREATE RESOURCE GROUPSupportedNot supported 2
DROP RESOURCE GROUPSupportedNot supported 2
SET RESOURCE GROUPSupportedNot supported 2
SHOW CREATE RESOURCE GROUPSupportedNot supported 2


StatementTiDB Cloud DedicatedTiDB Cloud Serverless
BACKUPSupportedNot supported 3
SHOW BACKUPSSupportedNot supported 3
RESTORESupportedNot supported 3
SHOW RESTORESSupportedNot supported 3
ADMIN RESET TELEMETRY_IDSupportedTelemetry is not supported on TiDB Cloud Serverless.
ADMIN SHOW TELEMETRYNot supported 4Not supported 4
ADMIN SHOW SLOWSupportedNot supported 5
ADMIN PLUGINS ENABLESupportedNot supported 8
ADMIN PLUGINS DISABLESupportedNot supported 8
ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD TLSSupportedTiDB Cloud Serverless automatically refreshes the TLS certificate.
CHANGE DRAINERNot supported 7Not supported 7
CHANGE PUMPNot supported 7Not supported 7
FLASHBACK CLUSTERSupportedNot supported 3
LOAD STATSSupportedNot supported
SELECT ... INTO OUTFILENot supported 4Not supported 4
SET CONFIGNot supported 4Not supported 4
SHOW CONFIGNot supported 4Not supported 4
SHOW DRAINER STATUSNot supported 7Not supported 7
SHOW PLUGINSSupportedNot supported 8
SHOW PUMP STATUSNot supported 7Not supported 7
SHUTDOWNNot supported 4Not supported 4
PLAN REPLAYERSupportedSupported in a different way11

Functions and operators

Function and operatorTiDB Cloud DedicatedTiDB Cloud Serverless
SLEEPNo LimitationThe SLEEP() function has a limitation wherein it can only support a maximum sleep time of 300 seconds.

System tables

DatabaseTableTiDB Cloud DedicatedTiDB Cloud Serverless
information_schemaATTRIBUTESSupportedNot supported 1
information_schemaCLUSTER_CONFIGNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaCLUSTER_HARDWARENot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaCLUSTER_INFOSupportedNot supported 1
information_schemaCLUSTER_LOADNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaCLUSTER_LOGNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaCLUSTER_SLOW_QUERYSupportedNot supported 5
information_schemaCLUSTER_STATEMENTS_SUMMARYSupportedNot supported 6
information_schemaCLUSTER_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_EVICTEDSupportedNot supported 6
information_schemaCLUSTER_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_HISTORYSupportedNot supported 6
information_schemaCLUSTER_SYSTEMINFONot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaINSPECTION_RESULTNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaINSPECTION_RULESNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaINSPECTION_SUMMARYNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaMETRICS_SUMMARYNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaMETRICS_SUMMARY_BY_LABELNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaMETRICS_TABLESNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaPLACEMENT_POLICIESSupportedNot supported 1
information_schemaRESOURCE_GROUPSSupportedNot supported 2
information_schemaSLOW_QUERYSupportedNot supported 5
information_schemaSTATEMENTS_SUMMARYSupportedNot supported 6
information_schemaSTATEMENTS_SUMMARY_EVICTEDSupportedNot supported 6
information_schemaSTATEMENTS_SUMMARY_HISTORYSupportedNot supported 6
information_schemaTIDB_HOT_REGIONSNot supported 4Not supported 4
information_schemaTIDB_HOT_REGIONS_HISTORYSupportedNot supported 1
information_schemaTIDB_SERVERS_INFOSupportedNot supported 1
information_schemaTIKV_REGION_PEERSSupportedNot supported 1
information_schemaTIKV_REGION_STATUSSupportedNot supported 1
information_schemaTIKV_STORE_STATUSSupportedNot supported 1
performance_schemapd_profile_allocsNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schemapd_profile_blockNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schemapd_profile_cpuNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schemapd_profile_goroutinesNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schemapd_profile_memoryNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schemapd_profile_mutexNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schematidb_profile_allocsNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schematidb_profile_blockNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schematidb_profile_cpuNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schematidb_profile_goroutinesNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schematidb_profile_memoryNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schematidb_profile_mutexNot supported 4Not supported 4
performance_schematikv_profile_cpuNot supported 4Not supported 4
mysqlexpr_pushdown_blacklistNot supported 4Not supported 4
mysqlgc_delete_rangeNot supported 4Not supported 4
mysqlgc_delete_range_doneNot supported 4Not supported 4
mysqlopt_rule_blacklistNot supported 4Not supported 4
mysqltidbNot supported 4Not supported 4

System variables

VariableTiDB Cloud DedicatedTiDB Cloud Serverless
datadirNo limitationNot supported 1
interactive_timeoutNo limitationRead-only 10
max_allowed_packetNo limitationRead-only 10
plugin_dirNo limitationNot supported 8
plugin_loadNo limitationNot supported 8
require_secure_transportNot supported 12Read-only 10
skip_name_resolveNo limitationRead-only 10
sql_log_binNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_cdc_write_sourceNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_check_mb4_value_in_utf8Not supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_configNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_ddl_disk_quotaNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ddl_enable_fast_reorgNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ddl_error_count_limitNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ddl_flashback_concurrencyNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ddl_reorg_batch_sizeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ddl_reorg_priorityNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ddl_reorg_worker_cntNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_1pcNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_async_commitNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_auto_analyzeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_collect_execution_infoNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_enable_ddlNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_gc_aware_memory_trackNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_gogc_tunerNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_local_txnNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_resource_controlNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_slow_logNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_enable_stmt_summaryNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_telemetryNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_enable_top_sqlNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_enable_tso_follower_proxyNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_expensive_query_time_thresholdNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_force_priorityNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_gc_concurrencyNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_gc_enableNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_gc_max_wait_timeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_gc_run_intervalNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_gc_scan_lock_modeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_general_logNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_generate_binary_planNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_gogc_tuner_thresholdNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_guarantee_linearizabilityNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_isolation_read_enginesNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_log_file_max_daysNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_memory_usage_alarm_ratioNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_metric_query_range_durationNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_metric_query_stepNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_opt_write_row_idNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_placement_modeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_pprof_sql_cpuNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_record_plan_in_slow_logNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_redact_logNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_restricted_read_onlyNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_row_format_versionNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_scatter_regionNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_server_memory_limitNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_server_memory_limit_gc_triggerNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_server_memory_limit_sess_min_sizeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_simplified_metricsNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_slow_query_fileNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_slow_log_thresholdNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_slow_txn_log_thresholdNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_stats_load_sync_waitNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_stmt_summary_history_sizeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_stmt_summary_internal_queryNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_stmt_summary_max_sql_lengthNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_stmt_summary_max_stmt_countNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_stmt_summary_refresh_intervalNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_sysproc_scan_concurrencyNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_top_sql_max_meta_countNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_top_sql_max_time_series_countNot supported 4Not supported 4
tidb_tso_client_batch_max_wait_timeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_delete_batch_sizeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_delete_rate_limitNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_delete_worker_countNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_job_schedule_window_end_timeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_job_schedule_window_start_timeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_running_tasksNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_scan_batch_sizeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_ttl_scan_worker_countNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_txn_modeNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_wait_split_region_finishNo limitationRead-only 10
tidb_wait_split_region_timeoutNo limitationRead-only 10
txn_scopeNo limitationRead-only 10
validate_password.enableNo limitationAlways enabled 9
validate_password.lengthNo limitationAt least 8 9
validate_password.mixed_case_countNo limitationAt least 1 9
validate_password.number_countNo limitationAt least 1 9
validate_password.policyNo limitationCan only be MEDIUM or STRONG 9
validate_password.special_char_countNo limitationAt least 1 9
wait_timeoutNo limitationRead-only 10

  1. Configuring data placement is not supported on TiDB Cloud Serverless.
  2. Configuring resource groups is not supported on TiDB Cloud Serverless.
  3. TiDB Cloud Serverless does not support downloading the file exported by PLAN REPLAYER through ${tidb-server-status-port} as in the example. Instead, TiDB Cloud Serverless generates a presigned URL for you to download the file. Note that this URL remains valid for 10 hours after generation.
  4. The feature is unavailable in Security Enhanced Mode (SEM).
  5. Drainer and Pump are not supported on TiDB Cloud.
  6. Plugin is not supported on TiDB Cloud Serverless.
  7. To perform Back up and Restore operations on TiDB Cloud Serverless, you can use the TiDB Cloud console instead.
  8. To track Slow Query on TiDB Cloud Serverless, you can use the TiDB Cloud console instead.
  9. To perform Statement Analysis on TiDB Cloud Serverless, you can use the TiDB Cloud console instead.
  10. The variable is read-only on TiDB Cloud Serverless.
  11. TiDB Cloud Serverless enforces strong password policy.
  12. Not supported. Enabling require_secure_transport for TiDB Cloud Dedicated clusters will result in SQL client connection failures.

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