Create a Data Migration Task
This document describes how to create a simple data migration task after the DM cluster is successfully deployed.
Sample scenario
Suppose that you create a data migration task based on this sample scenario:
- Deploy two MySQL instances with binlog enabled and one TiDB instance locally
- Use a DM-master of the DM cluster to manage the cluster and data migration tasks.
The information of each node is as follows.
Instance | Server Address | Port |
MySQL1 | | 3306 |
MySQL2 | | 3307 |
TiDB | | 4000 |
DM-master | | 8261 |
Based on this scenario, the following sections describe how to create a data migration task.
Start upstream MySQL
Prepare 2 runnable MySQL instances. You can also use Docker to quickly start MySQL. The commands are as follows:
docker run --rm --name mysql-3306 -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true mysql:5.7.22 --log-bin=mysql-bin --port=3306 --bind-address= --binlog-format=ROW --server-id=1 --gtid_mode=ON --enforce-gtid-consistency=true > mysql.3306.log 2>&1 &
docker run --rm --name mysql-3307 -p 3307:3307 -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true mysql:5.7.22 --log-bin=mysql-bin --port=3307 --bind-address= --binlog-format=ROW --server-id=1 --gtid_mode=ON --enforce-gtid-consistency=true > mysql.3307.log 2>&1 &
Prepare data
Write example data into mysql-3306:
drop database if exists `sharding1`; create database `sharding1`; use `sharding1`; create table t1 (id bigint, uid int, name varchar(80), info varchar(100), primary key (`id`), unique key(`uid`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; create table t2 (id bigint, uid int, name varchar(80), info varchar(100), primary key (`id`), unique key(`uid`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; insert into t1 (id, uid, name) values (1, 10001, 'Gabriel García Márquez'), (2 ,10002, 'Cien años de soledad'); insert into t2 (id, uid, name) values (3,20001, 'José Arcadio Buendía'), (4,20002, 'Úrsula Iguarán'), (5,20003, 'José Arcadio');Write example data into mysql-3307:
drop database if exists `sharding2`; create database `sharding2`; use `sharding2`; create table t2 (id bigint, uid int, name varchar(80), info varchar(100), primary key (`id`), unique key(`uid`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; create table t3 (id bigint, uid int, name varchar(80), info varchar(100), primary key (`id`), unique key(`uid`)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; insert into t2 (id, uid, name, info) values (6, 40000, 'Remedios Moscote', '{}'); insert into t3 (id, uid, name, info) values (7, 30001, 'Aureliano José', '{}'), (8, 30002, 'Santa Sofía de la Piedad', '{}'), (9, 30003, '17 Aurelianos', NULL);
Start downstream TiDB
To run a TiDB server, use the following command:
tar -xzvf tidb-latest-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv tidb-latest-linux-amd64/bin/tidb-server ./
Configure the MySQL data source
Before starting a data migration task, you need to configure the MySQL data source.
Encrypt the password
For safety reasons, it is recommended to configure and use encrypted passwords. You can use dmctl to encrypt the MySQL/TiDB password. Suppose the password is "123456":
./dmctl encrypt "123456"
Save this encrypted value, and use it for creating a MySQL data source in the following steps.
Edit the source configuration file
Write the following configurations to conf/source1.yaml
# MySQL1 Configuration.
source-id: "mysql-replica-01"
# Indicates whether GTID is enabled
enable-gtid: true
host: ""
user: "root"
password: "fCxfQ9XKCezSzuCD0Wf5dUD+LsKegSg="
port: 3306
In MySQL2 data source, copy the above configurations to conf/source2.yaml
. You need to change name
to mysql-replica-02
and change password
and port
to appropriate values.
Create a source
To load the data source configurations of MySQL1 into the DM cluster using dmctl, run the following command in the terminal:
./dmctl --master-addr= operate-source create conf/source1.yaml
For MySQL2, replace the configuration file in the above command with that of MySQL2.
Create a data migration task
After importing prepared data, there are several sharded tables on both MySQL1 and MySQL2 instances. These tables have identical structure and the same prefix "t" in the table names; the databases where these tables are located are all prefixed with "sharding"; and there is no conflict between the primary keys or the unique keys (in each sharded table, the primary keys or the unique keys are different from those of other tables).
Now, suppose that you need to migrate these sharded tables to the db_target.t_target
table in TiDB. The steps are as follows.
Create the configuration file of the task:
--- name: test task-mode: all shard-mode: "pessimistic" target-database: host: "" port: 4000 user: "root" password: "" # It is recommended to use password encrypted with dmctl if the password is not empty. mysql-instances: - source-id: "mysql-replica-01" block-allow-list: "instance" # This configuration applies to DM versions higher than v2.0.0-beta.2. Use black-white-list otherwise. route-rules: ["sharding-route-rules-table", "sharding-route-rules-schema"] mydumper-thread: 4 loader-thread: 16 syncer-thread: 16 - source-id: "mysql-replica-02" block-allow-list: "instance" # This configuration applies to DM versions higher than v2.0.0-beta.2. Use black-white-list otherwise. route-rules: ["sharding-route-rules-table", "sharding-route-rules-schema"] mydumper-thread: 4 loader-thread: 16 syncer-thread: 16 block-allow-list: # This configuration applies to DM versions higher than v2.0.0-beta.2. Use black-white-list otherwise. instance: do-dbs: ["~^sharding[\\d]+"] do-tables: - db-name: "~^sharding[\\d]+" tbl-name: "~^t[\\d]+" routes: sharding-route-rules-table: schema-pattern: sharding* table-pattern: t* target-schema: db_target target-table: t_target sharding-route-rules-schema: schema-pattern: sharding* target-schema: db_targetTo create a task using dmctl, write the above configurations to the
file:./dmctl --master-addr start-task conf/task.yaml{ "result": true, "msg": "", "sources": [ { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-01", "worker": "worker1" }, { "result": true, "msg": "", "source": "mysql-replica-02", "worker": "worker2" } ] }
Now, you have successfully created a task to migrate the sharded tables from the MySQL1 and MySQL2 instances to TiDB.
Verify data
You can modify data in the upstream MySQL sharded tables. Then use sync-diff-inspector to check whether the upstream and downstream data are consistent. Consistent data means that the migration task works well, which also indicates that the cluster works well.