Manage Queries That Consume More Resources Than Expected (Runaway Queries)

A runaway query is a query that consumes more time or resources than expected. The term runaway queries is used in the following to describe the feature of managing the runaway query.

  • Starting from v7.2.0, the resource control feature introduces the management of runaway queries. You can set criteria for a resource group to identify runaway queries and automatically take actions to prevent them from exhausting resources and affecting other queries. You can manage runaway queries for a resource group by including the QUERY_LIMIT field in CREATE RESOURCE GROUP or ALTER RESOURCE GROUP.
  • Starting from v7.3.0, the resource control feature introduces manual management of runaway watches, enabling quick identification of runaway queries for a given SQL statement or Digest. You can execute the statement QUERY WATCH to manually manage the runaway queries watch list in the resource group.

For more information about the resource control feature, see Use Resource Control to Achieve Resource Group Limitation and Flow Control.

QUERY_LIMIT parameters

If a query exceeds any of the following limits, it is identified as a runaway query:

  • EXEC_ELAPSED: checks whether the query execution time exceeds the limit. This rule applies to read and write DML statements.
  • PROCESSED_KEYS: checks whether the number of keys processed by the Coprocessor exceeds the limit. This rule only applies to read statements.
  • RU: checks whether the total number of read and write RUs consumed by the statement exceeds the limit. This rule only applies to read statements.

Supported operations (ACTION):

  • DRYRUN: no action is taken. The records are appended for the runaway queries. This is mainly used to observe whether the condition setting is reasonable.
  • COOLDOWN: the execution priority of the query is lowered to the lowest level. The query continues to execute with the lowest priority and does not occupy resources of other operations.
  • KILL: the identified query is automatically terminated and reports an error Query execution was interrupted, identified as runaway query.
  • SWITCH_GROUP: introduced in v8.4.0, this parameter switches the identified query to the specified resource group for continued execution. After this query completes, subsequent SQL statements are executed in the original resource group. If the specified resource group does not exist, the query remains in the original resource group.

To avoid too many concurrent runaway queries that exhaust system resources, the resource control feature introduces a quick identification mechanism, which can quickly identify and isolate runaway queries. You can use this feature through the WATCH clause. When a query is identified as a runaway query, this mechanism extracts the matching feature (defined by the parameter after WATCH) of the query. In the next period of time (defined by DURATION), the matching feature of the runaway query is added to the watch list, and the TiDB instance matches queries with the watch list. The matching queries are directly marked as runaway queries and isolated according to the corresponding action, instead of waiting for them to be identified by conditions. The KILL operation terminates the query and reports an error Quarantined and interrupted because of being in runaway watch list.

There are three methods for WATCH to match for quick identification:

  • EXACT indicates that only SQL statements with exactly the same SQL text are quickly identified.
  • SIMILAR indicates all SQL statements with the same pattern are matched by Plan Digest, and the literal values are ignored.
  • PLAN indicates all SQL statements with the same pattern are matched by Plan Digest.

The DURATION option in WATCH indicates the duration of the identification item, which is infinite by default.

After a watch item is added, neither the matching feature nor the ACTION is changed or deleted whenever the QUERY_LIMIT configuration is changed or deleted. You can use QUERY WATCH REMOVE to remove a watch item.

The parameters of QUERY_LIMIT are as follows:

EXEC_ELAPSEDWhen the query execution time exceeds this value, it is identified as a runaway queryEXEC_ELAPSED =60s means the query is identified as a runaway query if it takes more than 60 seconds to execute.
PROCESSED_KEYSWhen the number of keys processed by the Coprocessor exceeds this value, the query is identified as a runaway queryPROCESSED_KEYS = 1000 means the query is identified as a runaway query if the number of keys processed by the Coprocessor exceeds 1000.
RUWhen the total number of read and write RUs consumed by the query exceeds this value, this query is identified as a runaway queryRU = 1000 means the query is identified as a runaway query if the total number of read and write RUs consumed by the query exceeds 1000.
ACTIONAction taken when a runaway query is identifiedThe optional values are DRYRUN, COOLDOWN, KILL, and SWITCH_GROUP.
WATCHQuickly match the identified runaway query. If the same or similar query is encountered again within a certain period of time, the corresponding action is performed immediately.Optional. For example, WATCH=SIMILAR DURATION '60s', WATCH=EXACT DURATION '1m', and WATCH=PLAN.


  1. Create a resource group rg1 with a quota of 500 RUs per second, and define a runaway query as one that exceeds 60 seconds, and lower the priority of the runaway query.

  2. Change the rg1 resource group to terminate the runaway queries, and mark the queries with the same pattern as runaway queries immediately in the next 10 minutes.

  3. Change the rg1 resource group to cancel the runaway query check.


QUERY WATCH parameters

For more information about the synopsis of QUERY WATCH, see QUERY WATCH.

The parameters are as follows:

  • The RESOURCE GROUP specifies a resource group. The matching features of runaway queries added by this statement are added to the watch list of the resource group. This parameter can be omitted. If omitted, it applies to the default resource group.

  • The meaning of ACTION is the same as QUERY LIMIT. This parameter can be omitted. If omitted, the corresponding action after identification adopts the ACTION configured by QUERY LIMIT in the resource group, and the action does not change with the QUERY LIMIT configuration. If there is no ACTION configured in the resource group, an error is reported.

  • The QueryWatchTextOption parameter has three options: SQL DIGEST, PLAN DIGEST, and SQL TEXT.

    • SQL DIGEST is the same as that of SIMILAR. The following parameters accept strings, user-defined variables, or other expressions that yield string result. The string length must be 64, which is the same as the Digest definition in TiDB.
    • PLAN DIGEST is the same as PLAN. The following parameter is a Digest string.
    • SQL TEXT matches the input SQL as a raw string (EXACT), or parses and compiles it into SQL DIGEST (SIMILAR) or PLAN DIGEST (PLAN), depending on the following parameter.
  • Add a matching feature to the runaway query watch list for the default resource group (you need to set QUERY LIMIT for the default resource group in advance).

    QUERY WATCH ADD ACTION KILL SQL TEXT EXACT TO 'select * from test.t2';
  • Add a matching feature to the runaway query watch list for the rg1 resource group by parsing the SQL into SQL Digest. When ACTION is not specified, the ACTION option already configured for the rg1 resource group is used.

  • Add a matching feature to the runaway query watch list for the rg1 resource group by parsing the SQL into SQL Digest, and specify ACTION as SWITCH_GROUP(rg2).

  • Add a matching feature to the runaway query watch list for the rg1 resource group using PLAN DIGEST, and specify ACTION as KILL.

    QUERY WATCH ADD RESOURCE GROUP rg1 ACTION KILL PLAN DIGEST 'd08bc323a934c39dc41948b0a073725be3398479b6fa4f6dd1db2a9b115f7f57';
  • Get the watch item ID by querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RUNAWAY_WATCHES and delete the watch item.

    SELECT * from information_schema.runaway_watches ORDER BY id\G
    *************************** 1. row *************************** ID: 1 RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME: default START_TIME: 2024-09-09 03:35:31 END_TIME: 2024-09-09 03:45:31 WATCH: Exact WATCH_TEXT: SELECT variable_name, variable_value FROM mysql.global_variables SOURCE: ACTION: Kill RULE: ProcessedKeys = 666(10) 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


You can get more information about runaway queries from the following system tables and INFORMATION_SCHEMA:

  • The mysql.tidb_runaway_queries table contains the history records of all runaway queries identified in the past 7 days. Take one of the rows as an example:

    MySQL [(none)]> SELECT * FROM mysql.tidb_runaway_queries LIMIT 1\G *************************** 1. row *************************** resource_group_name: default start_time: 2024-09-09 17:43:42 repeats: 2 match_type: watch action: kill sample_sql: select sleep(2) from t sql_digest: 4adbc838b86c573265d4b39a3979d0a362b5f0336c91c26930c83ab187701a55 plan_digest: 5d094f78efbce44b2923733b74e1d09233cb446318293492901c5e5d92e27dbc tidb_server:

    Field description:

    • start_time indicates the time when the runaway query is identified.
    • repeats indicates the number of times the runaway query has been identified since start_time.
    • match_type indicates how the runaway query is identified. The value can be one of the following:
      • identify means that it matches the condition of the runaway query.
      • watch means that it matches the quick identification rule in the watch list.
  • The information_schema.runaway_watches table contains records of quick identification rules for runaway queries. For more information, see RUNAWAY_WATCHES.

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