Get Started with TiDB on Kubernetes
This document introduces how to create a simple Kubernetes cluster and use it to deploy a basic test TiDB cluster using TiDB Operator.
To deploy TiDB Operator and a TiDB cluster, follow these steps:
- Create a test Kubernetes cluster
- Deploy TiDB Operator
- Deploy a TiDB cluster and its monitoring services
- Connect to a TiDB cluster
- Upgrade a TiDB cluster
- Destroy the TiDB cluster and the Kubernetes cluster
You can watch the following video (approximately 12 minutes) to learn how to get started with TiDB Operator.
Step 1: Create a test Kubernetes cluster
This section describes two methods for creating a simple Kubernetes cluster. After creating a Kubernetes cluster, you can use it to test TiDB clusters managed by TiDB Operator. Choose the method that best suits your environment.
- Method 1: Create a Kubernetes cluster using kind: Deploy a Kubernetes cluster in Docker using kind, a common and recommended method.
- Method 2: Create a Kubernetes cluster using minikube: Deploy a Kubernetes cluster locally in a VM using minikube.
Alternatively, you can deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine on Google Cloud using the Google Cloud Shell.
Method 1: Create a Kubernetes cluster using kind
This section explains how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster using kind.
kind is a popular tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker containers as cluster nodes. For available tags, see Docker Hub. The latest version of kind is used by default.
Before deployment, ensure that the following requirements are met:
- Docker: version >= 18.09
- kubectl: version >= 1.24
- kind: version >= 0.19.0
- For Linux, the value of the sysctl parameter net.ipv4.ip_forward should be set to
Here is an example using kind
kind create cluster
Expected output
Creating cluster "kind" ...
✓ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.27.1) 🖼
✓ Preparing nodes 📦
✓ Writing configuration 📜
✓ Starting control-plane 🕹️
✓ Installing CNI 🔌
✓ Installing StorageClass 💾
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
Thanks for using kind! 😊
Check whether the cluster is successfully created:
kubectl cluster-info
Expected output
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
You are now ready to deploy TiDB Operator.
Method 2: Create a Kubernetes cluster using minikube
You can create a Kubernetes cluster in a VM using minikube, which supports macOS, Linux, and Windows.
Before deployment, ensure that the following requirements are met:
- minikube: version 1.0.0 or later versions. Newer versions like v1.24 are recommended. minikube requires a compatible hypervisor. For details, refer to minikube installation instructions.
- kubectl: version >= 1.24
Start a minikube Kubernetes cluster
After installing minikube, run the following command to start a minikube Kubernetes cluster:
minikube start
Use kubectl
to interact with the cluster
To interact with the cluster, you can use kubectl
, which is included as a sub-command in minikube
. To make the kubectl
command available, you can either add the following alias definition command to your shell profile or run the following alias definition command after opening a new shell.
alias kubectl='minikube kubectl --'
Run the following command to check the status of Kubernetes and ensure that kubectl
can connect to it:
kubectl cluster-info
Expected output
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
You are now ready to deploy TiDB Operator.
Step 2: Deploy TiDB Operator
To deploy TiDB Operator, you need to follow these steps:
Install TiDB Operator CRDs
First, you need to install the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) that are required for TiDB Operator. These CRDs implement different components of the TiDB cluster.
To install the CRDs, run the following command:
kubectl create -f
Expected output created created created created created created created
Install TiDB Operator
To install TiDB Operator, you can use Helm 3. Follow these steps:
Add the PingCAP repository:
helm repo add pingcap output
"pingcap" has been added to your repositoriesCreate a namespace for TiDB Operator:
kubectl create namespace tidb-adminExpected output
namespace/tidb-admin createdInstall TiDB Operator:
helm install --namespace tidb-admin tidb-operator pingcap/tidb-operator --version v1.6.1Expected output
NAME: tidb-operator LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jun 1 12:31:43 2020 NAMESPACE: tidb-admin STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Make sure tidb-operator components are running: kubectl get pods --namespace tidb-admin -l
To confirm that the TiDB Operator components are running, run the following command:
kubectl get pods --namespace tidb-admin -l
Expected output
tidb-controller-manager-6d8d5c6d64-b8lv4 1/1 Running 0 2m22s
Once all the Pods are in the "Running" state, you can proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Deploy a TiDB cluster and its monitoring services
This section describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster and its monitoring services.
Deploy a TiDB cluster
kubectl create namespace tidb-cluster && \
kubectl -n tidb-cluster apply -f
Expected output
namespace/tidb-cluster created created
If you need to deploy a TiDB cluster on an ARM64 machine, refer to Deploying a TiDB Cluster on ARM64 Machines.
Deploy TiDB Dashboard independently
kubectl -n tidb-cluster apply -f
Expected output created
Deploy TiDB monitoring services
kubectl -n tidb-cluster apply -f
Expected output created
View the Pod status
watch kubectl get po -n tidb-cluster
Expected output
basic-discovery-6bb656bfd-xl5pb 1/1 Running 0 9m9s
basic-monitor-5fc8589c89-gvgjj 3/3 Running 0 8m58s
basic-pd-0 1/1 Running 0 9m8s
basic-tidb-0 2/2 Running 0 7m14s
basic-tikv-0 1/1 Running 0 8m13s
Wait until all Pods for each service are started. Once you see that the Pods for each type (-pd
, -tikv
, and -tidb
) are in the "Running" state, you can press Ctrl+C to return to the command line and proceed with connecting to your TiDB cluster.
Step 4: Connect to TiDB
To connect to TiDB, you can use the MySQL client since TiDB supports the MySQL protocol and most of its syntax.
Install the MySQL client
Before connecting to TiDB, make sure you have a MySQL-compatible client installed on the host where kubectl
is installed. This can be the mysql
executable from an installation of MySQL Server, MariaDB Server, Percona Server, or a standalone client executable from your operating system's package.
Forward port 4000
To connect to TiDB, you need to forward a port from the local host to the TiDB service on Kubernetes.
First, get a list of services in the tidb-cluster
kubectl get svc -n tidb-cluster
Expected output
basic-discovery ClusterIP <none> 10261/TCP 10m
basic-grafana ClusterIP <none> 3000/TCP 10m
basic-monitor-reloader ClusterIP <none> 9089/TCP 10m
basic-pd ClusterIP <none> 2379/TCP 10m
basic-pd-peer ClusterIP None <none> 2380/TCP 10m
basic-prometheus ClusterIP <none> 9090/TCP 10m
basic-tidb ClusterIP <none> 4000/TCP,10080/TCP 8m40s
basic-tidb-peer ClusterIP None <none> 10080/TCP 8m40s
basic-tikv-peer ClusterIP None <none> 20160/TCP 9m39s
In this case, the TiDB service is called basic-tidb
. Run the following command to forward this port from the local host to the cluster:
kubectl port-forward -n tidb-cluster svc/basic-tidb 14000:4000 > pf14000.out &
If port 14000
is already occupied, you can replace it with an available port. This command runs in the background and writes its output to a file named pf14000.out
. You can continue to run the command in the current shell session.
Connect to the TiDB service
mysql --comments -h -P 14000 -u root
Expected output
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 76
Server version: 5.7.25-TiDB-v4.0.0 MySQL Community Server (Apache License 2.0)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
After connecting to the cluster, you can run the following commands to verify that some features are available in TiDB. Note that some commands require TiDB 4.0 or higher versions. If you have deployed an earlier version, you need to upgrade the TiDB cluster.
Create ahello_world
mysql> use test;
mysql> create table hello_world (id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, v varchar(32));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.17 sec)
mysql> select * from information_schema.tikv_region_status where db_name=database() and table_name='hello_world'\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
START_KEY: 7480000000000000FF3700000000000000F8
DB_NAME: test
TABLE_NAME: hello_world
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
Query the TiDB version
mysql> select tidb_version()\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
tidb_version(): Release Version: v8.5.0
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: d13e52ed6e22cc5789bed7c64c861578cd2ed55b
Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v8.5.0
UTC Build Time: 2024-12-19 14:38:24
GoVersion: go1.23.2
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: tikv
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Query the TiKV store status
mysql> select * from information_schema.tikv_store_status\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
ADDRESS: basic-tikv-0.basic-tikv-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:20160
LABEL: null
VERSION: 5.2.1
START_TS: 2020-05-28 22:48:21
LAST_HEARTBEAT_TS: 2020-05-28 22:52:01
UPTIME: 3m40.598302151s
1 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Query the TiDB cluster information
This command is effective only in TiDB 4.0 or later versions. If your TiDB does not support the command, you need to upgrade the TiDB cluster.
mysql> select * from information_schema.cluster_info\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
TYPE: tidb
INSTANCE: basic-tidb-0.basic-tidb-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:4000
STATUS_ADDRESS: basic-tidb-0.basic-tidb-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:10080
VERSION: 5.2.1
GIT_HASH: 689a6b6439ae7835947fcaccf329a3fc303986cb
START_TIME: 2020-05-28T22:50:11Z
UPTIME: 3m21.459090928s
*************************** 2. row ***************************
TYPE: pd
INSTANCE: basic-pd:2379
STATUS_ADDRESS: basic-pd:2379
VERSION: 5.2.1
GIT_HASH: 56d4c3d2237f5bf6fb11a794731ed1d95c8020c2
START_TIME: 2020-05-28T22:45:04Z
UPTIME: 8m28.459091915s
*************************** 3. row ***************************
TYPE: tikv
INSTANCE: basic-tikv-0.basic-tikv-peer.tidb-cluster.svc:20160
VERSION: 5.2.1
GIT_HASH: 198a2cea01734ce8f46d55a29708f123f9133944
START_TIME: 2020-05-28T22:48:21Z
UPTIME: 5m11.459102648s
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Access the Grafana dashboard
To access the Grafana dashboard locally, you need to forward the port for Grafana:
kubectl port-forward -n tidb-cluster svc/basic-grafana 3000 > pf3000.out &
You can access the Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000 on the host where you run kubectl
. The default username and password in Grafana are both admin
Note that if you run kubectl
in a Docker container or on a remote host instead of your local host, you cannot access the Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000 from your browser. In this case, you can run the following command to listen on all addresses:
kubectl port-forward --address -n tidb-cluster svc/basic-grafana 3000 > pf3000.out &
Then access Grafana through http://${remote-server-IP}:3000.
For more information about monitoring the TiDB cluster in TiDB Operator, refer to Deploy Monitoring and Alerts for a TiDB Cluster.
Access the TiDB Dashboard web UI
To access the TiDB Dashboard web UI locally, you need to forward the port for TiDB Dashboard:
kubectl port-forward -n tidb-cluster svc/basic-tidb-dashboard-exposed 12333 > pf12333.out &
You can access the panel of TiDB Dashboard at http://localhost:12333 on the host where you run kubectl
Note that if you run kubectl port-forward
in a Docker container or on a remote host instead of your local host, you cannot access TiDB Dashboard using localhost
from your local browser. In this case, you can run the following command to listen on all addresses:
kubectl port-forward --address -n tidb-cluster svc/basic-tidb-dashboard-exposed 12333 > pf12333.out &
Then access TiDB Dashboard through http://${remote-server-IP}:12333
Step 5: Upgrade a TiDB cluster
TiDB Operator simplifies the process of performing a rolling upgrade of a TiDB cluster. This section describes how to upgrade your TiDB cluster to the "nightly" release.
Before proceeding, it is important to familiarize yourself with the kubectl patch
sub-command. This command lets you directly apply changes to the running cluster resources. There are different patch strategies available, each with its own capabilities, limitations, and allowed formats. For more information, refer to the Kubernetes Patch document.
Modify the TiDB cluster version
To update the version of the TiDB cluster to "nightly," you can use a JSON merge patch. Execute the following command:
kubectl patch tc basic -n tidb-cluster --type merge -p '{"spec": {"version": "nightly"} }'
Expected output patched
Wait for Pods to restart
To monitor the progress of the cluster upgrade and observe the restart of its components, run the following command. You should see some Pods transitioning from Terminating
to ContainerCreating
and finally to Running
watch kubectl get po -n tidb-cluster
Expected output
basic-discovery-6bb656bfd-7lbhx 1/1 Running 0 24m
basic-pd-0 1/1 Terminating 0 5m31s
basic-tidb-0 2/2 Running 0 2m19s
basic-tikv-0 1/1 Running 0 4m13s
Forward the TiDB service port
Once all Pods have been restarted, you can verify that the cluster's version number has been updated.
Note that if you had previously set up port forwarding, you will need to reset it because the Pods it forwarded to have been destroyed and recreated.
kubectl port-forward -n tidb-cluster svc/basic-tidb 24000:4000 > pf24000.out &
If port 24000
is already in use, you can replace it with an available port.
Check the TiDB cluster version
To confirm the TiDB cluster's version, execute the following command:
mysql --comments -h -P 24000 -u root -e 'select tidb_version()\G'
Expected output
Note that nightly
is not a fixed version and the version might vary depending on the time the command is run.
*************************** 1. row ***************************
tidb_version(): Release Version: v8.5.0
Edition: Community
Git Commit Hash: d13e52ed6e22cc5789bed7c64c861578cd2ed55b
Git Branch: heads/refs/tags/v8.5.0
UTC Build Time: 2024-12-19 14:38:24
GoVersion: go1.23.2
Race Enabled: false
Check Table Before Drop: false
Store: tikv
Step 6: Destroy the TiDB cluster and the Kubernetes cluster
After you finish testing, you can destroy the TiDB cluster and the Kubernetes cluster.
Destroy the TiDB cluster
To destroy the TiDB cluster, follow these steps:
Stop kubectl
port forwarding
If you have any running kubectl
processes that are forwarding ports, make sure to end them by running the following command:
pgrep -lfa kubectl
Delete the TiDB cluster
To delete the TiDB cluster, use the following command:
kubectl delete tc basic -n tidb-cluster
In this command, tc
is short for tidbclusters
Delete TiDB monitoring services
To delete the TiDB monitoring services, run the following command:
kubectl delete tidbmonitor basic -n tidb-cluster
Delete PV data
If your deployment includes persistent data storage, deleting the TiDB cluster does not remove the data in the cluster. If you do not need the data, you can clean it by running the following commands:
kubectl delete pvc -n tidb-cluster -l, && \
kubectl get pv -l,, -o name | xargs -I {} kubectl patch {} -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}'
Delete namespaces
To ensure that there are no remaining resources, delete the namespace used for your TiDB cluster by running the following command:
kubectl delete namespace tidb-cluster
Destroy the Kubernetes cluster
The method for destroying a Kubernetes cluster depends on how it was created. Here are the steps for destroying a Kubernetes cluster based on the creation method:
- kind
- minikube
If you created the Kubernetes cluster using kind, use the following command to destroy it:
kind delete cluster
If you created the Kubernetes cluster using minikube, use the following command to destroy it:
minikube delete
See also
If you are interested in deploying a TiDB cluster in production environments, refer to the following documents:
On public clouds:
In a self-managed Kubernetes cluster:
- Familiarize yourself with the Prerequisites for TiDB on Kubernetes
- Configure the local PV for your Kubernetes cluster to achieve high performance for TiKV
- Deploy TiDB Operator on Kubernetes
- Deploy TiDB on General Kubernetes