dmctl を使用した DM クラスタの管理
TiUPを使用してデプロイされた DM クラスターの場合、
tiup dmctl
dmctl は、DM クラスターを維持するために使用されるコマンド ライン ツールです。対話モードとコマンド モードの両方をサポートします。
対話モードに入り、DM マスターと対話します。
インタラクティブ モードは、Bash 機能をサポートしていません。たとえば、文字列フラグを引用符で囲むのではなく、直接渡す必要があります。
./dmctl --master-addr
Welcome to dmctl
Release Version: ${version}
Git Commit Hash: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Git Branch: release-x.x
UTC Build Time: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Go Version: go version gox.xx linux/amd64
» help
DM control
dmctl [command]
Available Commands:
binlog manage or show binlog operations
binlog-schema manage or show table schema in schema tracker
check-task Checks the configuration file of the task
config manage config operations
decrypt Decrypts cipher text to plain text
encrypt Encrypts plain text to cipher text
help Gets help about any command
list-member Lists member information
offline-member Offlines member which has been closed
operate-leader `evict`/`cancel-evict` the leader
operate-source `create`/`stop`/`show` upstream MySQL/MariaDB source
pause-relay Pauses DM-worker's relay unit
pause-task Pauses a specified running task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source
purge-relay Purges relay log files of the DM-worker according to the specified filename
query-status Queries task status
resume-relay Resumes DM-worker's relay unit
resume-task Resumes a specified paused task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source
shard-ddl-lock maintain or show shard-ddl locks information
start-relay Starts workers pulling relay log for a source
start-task Starts a task as defined in the configuration file
stop-relay Stops workers pulling relay log for a source
stop-task Stops a specified task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source
transfer-source Transfers a upstream MySQL/MariaDB source to a free worker
-h, --help Help for dmctl.
-s, --source strings MySQL Source ID.
Use "dmctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
コマンド モードは、dmctl コマンドの直後にタスク操作を追加する必要があるという点で、対話モードとは異なります。コマンドモードでのタスク操作のパラメータは、対話モードと同じです。
- dmctl コマンドの後には、タスク操作を 1 つだけ実行する必要があります。
- v2.0.4 以降、DM は環境変数
./dmctl --master-addr start-task task.yaml
./dmctl --master-addr stop-task task
./dmctl --master-addr query-status
export DM_MASTER_ADDR=""
./dmctl query-status
Available Commands:
binlog manage or show binlog operations
binlog-schema manage or show table schema in schema tracker
check-task Checks the configuration file of the task
config manage config operations
decrypt Decrypts cipher text to plain text
encrypt Encrypts plain text to cipher text
help Gets help about any command
list-member Lists member information
offline-member Offlines member which has been closed
operate-leader `evict`/`cancel-evict` the leader
operate-source `create`/`stop`/`show` upstream MySQL/MariaDB source
pause-relay Pauses DM-worker's relay unit
pause-task Pauses a specified running task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source
purge-relay Purges relay log files of the DM-worker according to the specified filename
query-status Queries task status
resume-relay Resumes DM-worker's relay unit
resume-task Resumes a specified paused task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source
shard-ddl-lock maintain or show shard-ddl locks information
start-relay Starts workers pulling relay log for a source
start-task Starts a task as defined in the configuration file
stop-relay Stops workers pulling relay log for a source
stop-task Stops a specified task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source
transfer-source Transfers a upstream MySQL/MariaDB source to a free worker
--config string Path to config file.
-h, --help help for dmctl
--master-addr string Master API server address, this parameter is required when interacting with the dm-master
--rpc-timeout string RPC timeout, default is 10m. (default "10m")
-s, --source strings MySQL Source ID.
--ssl-ca string Path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs for connection.
--ssl-cert string Path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format for connection.
--ssl-key string Path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format for connection.
-V, --version Prints version and exit.
Use "dmctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.