dmctl を使用して DM クラスターを管理


TiUPを使用してデプロイされた DM クラスターの場合、クラスターを維持するためにtiup dmctl直接使用することをお勧めします。

dmctl は、DM クラスターの保守に使用されるコマンド ライン ツールです。対話モードとコマンド モードの両方をサポートします。


DM マスターと対話するには、対話モードに入ります。


対話モードでは Bash 機能はサポートされません。たとえば、文字列フラグを引用符で囲んで渡すのではなく、直接渡す必要があります。

./dmctl --master-addr
Welcome to dmctl Release Version: ${version} Git Commit Hash: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Git Branch: release-x.x UTC Build Time: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Go Version: go version gox.xx linux/amd64 » help DM control Usage: dmctl [command] Available Commands: binlog manage or show binlog operations binlog-schema manage or show table schema in schema tracker check-task Checks the configuration file of the task config manage config operations encrypt Encrypts plain text to cipher text help Gets help about any command list-member Lists member information offline-member Offlines member which has been closed operate-leader `evict`/`cancel-evict` the leader operate-source `create`/`stop`/`show` upstream MySQL/MariaDB source pause-relay Pauses DM-worker's relay unit pause-task Pauses a specified running task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source purge-relay Purges relay log files of the DM-worker according to the specified filename query-status Queries task status resume-relay Resumes DM-worker's relay unit resume-task Resumes a specified paused task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source shard-ddl-lock maintain or show shard-ddl locks information start-relay Starts workers pulling relay log for a source start-task Starts a task as defined in the configuration file stop-relay Stops workers pulling relay log for a source stop-task Stops a specified task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source transfer-source Transfers a upstream MySQL/MariaDB source to a free worker Flags: -h, --help Help for dmctl. -s, --source strings MySQL Source ID. Use "dmctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


コマンド モードは、dmctl コマンドの直後にタスク操作を追加する必要がある点で対話モードと異なります。コマンド モードでのタスク操作のパラメータは、対話モードの場合と同じです。


  • dmctl コマンドの後には 1 つのタスク操作のみが続く必要があります。
  • v2.0.4 以降、DM は環境変数DM_MASTER_ADDRから-master-addrパラメータを読み取ることをサポートします。
./dmctl --master-addr start-task task.yaml ./dmctl --master-addr stop-task task ./dmctl --master-addr query-status export DM_MASTER_ADDR="" ./dmctl query-status
Available Commands: binlog manage or show binlog operations binlog-schema manage or show table schema in schema tracker check-task Checks the configuration file of the task config manage config operations encrypt Encrypts plain text to cipher text help Gets help about any command list-member Lists member information offline-member Offlines member which has been closed operate-leader `evict`/`cancel-evict` the leader operate-source `create`/`stop`/`show` upstream MySQL/MariaDB source pause-relay Pauses DM-worker's relay unit pause-task Pauses a specified running task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source purge-relay Purges relay log files of the DM-worker according to the specified filename query-status Queries task status resume-relay Resumes DM-worker's relay unit resume-task Resumes a specified paused task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source shard-ddl-lock maintain or show shard-ddl locks information start-relay Starts workers pulling relay log for a source start-task Starts a task as defined in the configuration file stop-relay Stops workers pulling relay log for a source stop-task Stops a specified task or all (sub)tasks bound to a source transfer-source Transfers a upstream MySQL/MariaDB source to a free worker Flags: --config string Path to config file. -h, --help help for dmctl --master-addr string Master API server address, this parameter is required when interacting with the dm-master --rpc-timeout string RPC timeout, default is 10m. (default "10m") -s, --source strings MySQL Source ID. --ssl-ca string Path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs for connection. --ssl-cert string Path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format for connection. --ssl-key string Path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format for connection. -V, --version Prints version and exit. Use "dmctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


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