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ticloud serverless import start

Start a data import task:

ticloud serverless import start [flags]

Or use the following alias command:

ticloud serverless import create [flags]


Start an import task in interactive mode:

ticloud serverless import start

Start a local import task in non-interactive mode:

ticloud serverless import start --local.file-path <file-path> --cluster-id <cluster-id> --file-type <file-type> <target-database> <target-table>

Start a local import task with custom upload concurrency:

ticloud serverless import start --local.file-path <file-path> --cluster-id <cluster-id> --file-type <file-type> <target-database> <target-table> --local.concurrency 10

Start a local import task with custom CSV format:

ticloud serverless import start --local.file-path <file-path> --cluster-id <cluster-id> --file-type CSV <target-database> <target-table> --csv.separator \" --csv.delimiter \' --csv.backslash-escape=false --csv.trim-last-separator=true


In non-interactive mode, you need to manually enter the required flags. In interactive mode, you can just follow CLI prompts to fill them in.

-c, --cluster-id stringSpecifies the cluster ID.YesOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--source-type stringSpecifies the import source type. The default value is LOCAL.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--local.concurrency intSpecifies the concurrency for uploading files. The default value is 5.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--local.file-path stringSpecifies the path of the local file to be imported.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode. stringSpecifies the target database to which the data is imported.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode. stringSpecifies the target table to which the data is imported.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--file-type stringSpecifies the import file type. Currently, only CSV is supported.YesOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--csv.backslash-escapeSpecifies whether to parse backslash inside fields as escape characters in a CSV file. The default value is true.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--csv.delimiter stringSpecifies the delimiter used for quoting a CSV file. The default value is \.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--csv.separator stringSpecifies the field separator in a CSV file. The default value is ,.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode.
--csv.trim-last-separatorSpecifies whether to treat the separator as the line terminator and trim all trailing separators in a CSV file.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode.
-h, --helpShows help information for this command.NoWorks in both non-interactive and interactive modes.

Inherited flags

--no-colorDisables color in output.NoOnly works in non-interactive mode. In interactive mode, disabling color might not work with some UI components.
-P, --profile stringSpecifies the active user profile used in this command.NoWorks in both non-interactive and interactive modes.
-D, --debugEnables debug mode.NoWorks in both non-interactive and interactive modes.


If you have any questions or suggestions on the TiDB Cloud CLI, feel free to create an issue. Also, we welcome any contributions.

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