Each contributor has played an important role in promoting the robust development of TiDB. We sincerely appreciate all contributors who have submitted code, written and translated documents for TiDB.
TiDB developers
TiDB developers contribute to new feature development, performance improvement, stability guarantee, and bug fixes. The following is the list of contributors in TiDB related repos:
- pingcap/tidb
- tikv/tikv
- tikv/pd
- pingcap/tiflash
- pingcap/tidb-operator
- pingcap/tiup
- pingcap/tidb-binlog
- pingcap/tidb-dashboard
- pingcap/tiflow
- pingcap/tidb-tools
- pingcap/tispark
- tikv/client-java
- tidb-incubator/TiBigData
- ti-community-infra
Writers and translators for TiDB documentation
Writers and translators write and translate documents for TiDB and the related projects. The following is the list of contributors in TiDB documentation related repos:
Creditswas last updated 4/25/2023, 6:15:51 AM: credits: remove outdated contributor link and repos (#13334)