Export and Import Data Sources and Task Configuration of Clusters
command is used to export and import data sources and task configuration of clusters.
» help config
Commands to import/export config
dmctl config [command]
Available Commands:
export Export the configurations of sources and tasks.
import Import the configurations of sources and tasks.
-h, --help help for config
Global Flags:
-s, --source strings MySQL Source ID.
Use "dmctl config [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Export the data source and task configuration of clusters
You can use export
command to export the data source and task configuration of clusters to specified files.
config export [--dir directory]
Parameter explanation
:- optional
- specifies the file path for exporting
- the default value is
Returned results
config export -d /tmp/configs
export configs to directory `/tmp/configs` succeed
import the data source and task configuration of clusters
You can use import
command to import the data source and task configuration of clusters from specified files.
config import [--dir directory]
Parameter explanation
:- optional
- specifies the file path for importing
- the default value is
Returned results
config import -d /tmp/configs
start creating sources
start creating tasks
import configs from directory `/tmp/configs` succeed
Export and Import Data Sources and Task Configuration of Clusterswas last updated 12/30/2021, 3:17:51 AM: chore: remove useless aliases for DM Dev docs (#7349)