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PD Configuration File

The PD configuration file supports more options than command-line parameters. You can find the default configuration file here.

This document only describes parameters that are not included in command-line parameters. Check here for the command line parameters.


  • The timeout of the PD Leader Key lease. After the timeout, the system re-elects a Leader.
  • Default value: 3
  • unit: second


  • The interval for PD to allocate TSOs for persistent storage in etcd
  • Default value: 3 seconds


  • The initial state of the cluster
  • Default value: new


  • Enables or disables raft prevote
  • Default value: true


  • The storage size of the meta-information database, which is 8GiB by default
  • Default value: 8589934592


  • The automatic compaction modes of the meta-information database
  • Available options: periodic (by cycle) and revision (by version number).
  • Default value: periodic


  • The time interval for automatic compaction of the meta-information database when auto-compaction-retention is periodic. When the compaction mode is set to revision, this parameter indicates the version number for the automatic compaction.
  • Default value: 1h


  • Determines whether to force PD to start as a new cluster and modify the number of Raft members to 1
  • Default value: false


  • The tick period of etcd Raft
  • Default value: 100ms


  • The timeout for the etcd leader election
  • Default value: 3s


  • Enables or disables independent Region storage
  • Default value: false


Configuration items related to security


  • The path of the CA file
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file that contains the X509 certificate
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the PEM file that contains the X509 key
  • Default value: ""

redact-info-log New in v4.0.10

  • Controls whether to enable log redaction in the PD log.
  • When you set the configuration value to true, user data is redacted in the PD log.
  • Default value: false


Configuration items related to log


  • The log level, which can be specified as "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL".
  • Default value: "INFO"


  • The log format, which can be specified as "text", "json", or "console"
  • Default value: "text"


  • Whether to disable the automatically generated timestamp in the log
  • Default value: false


Configuration items related to the log file


  • The maximum size of a single log file. When this value is exceeded, the system automatically splits the log into several files.
  • Default value: 300
  • Unit: MiB
  • Minimum value: 1


  • The maximum number of days in which a log is kept
  • Default value: 0


  • The maximum number of log files to keep
  • Default value: 0


Configuration items related to monitoring


  • The interval at which monitoring metric data is pushed to Prometheus
  • Default value: 15s


Configuration items related to scheduling


  • Controls the size limit of Region Merge. When the Region size is greater than the specified value, PD does not merge the Region with the adjacent Regions.
  • Default value: 20


  • Specifies the upper limit of the Region Merge key. When the Region key is greater than the specified value, the PD does not merge the Region with its adjacent Regions.
  • Default value: 200000


  • Controls the running frequency at which replicaChecker checks the health state of a Region. The smaller this value is, the faster replicaChecker runs. Normally, you do not need to adjust this parameter.
  • Default value: 100ms


  • Controls the time interval between the split and merge operations on the same Region. That means a newly split Region will not be merged for a while.
  • Default value: 1h


  • Control the maximum number of snapshots that a single store receives or sends at the same time. PD schedulers depend on this configuration to prevent the resources used for normal traffic from being preempted.
  • Default value value: 3


  • Controls the maximum number of pending peers in a single store. PD schedulers depend on this configuration to prevent too many Regions with outdated logs from being generated on some nodes.
  • Default value: 16


  • The downtime after which PD judges that the disconnected store can not be recovered. When PD fails to receive the heartbeat from a store after the specified period of time, it adds replicas at other nodes.
  • Default value: 30m


  • The number of Leader scheduling tasks performed at the same time
  • Default value: 4


  • The number of Region scheduling tasks performed at the same time
  • Default value: 2048


  • Controls the hot Region scheduling tasks that are running at the same time. It is independent of the Region scheduling.
  • Default value: 4


  • The threshold used to set the number of minutes required to identify a hot Region. PD can participate in the hotspot scheduling only after the Region is in the hotspot state for more than this number of minutes.
  • Default value: 3


  • The number of Replica scheduling tasks performed at the same time
  • Default value: 64


  • The number of the Region Merge scheduling tasks performed at the same time. Set this parameter to 0 to disable Region Merge.
  • Default value: 8


  • The threshold ratio below which the capacity of the store is sufficient. If the space occupancy ratio of the store is smaller than this threshold value, PD ignores the remaining space of the store when performing scheduling, and balances load mainly based on the Region size. This configuration takes effect only when region-score-formula-version is set to v1.
  • Default value: 0.7
  • Minimum value: greater than 0
  • Maximum value: less than 1


  • The threshold ratio above which the capacity of the store is insufficient. If the space occupancy ratio of a store exceeds this threshold value, PD avoids migrating data to this store as much as possible. Meanwhile, to avoid the disk space of the corresponding store being exhausted, PD performs scheduling mainly based on the remaining space of the store.
  • Default value: 0.8
  • Minimum value: greater than 0
  • Maximum value: less than 1


  • Controls the balance buffer size
  • Default value: 0 (automatically adjusts the buffer size)
  • Minimum value: 0


  • Determines whether to disable the feature that automatically removes DownReplica. When this parameter is set to true, PD does not automatically clean up the copy in the down state.
  • Default value: false


  • Determines whether to disable the feature that migrates OfflineReplica. When this parameter is set to true, PD does not migrate the replicas in the offline state.
  • Default value: false


  • Determines whether to disable the feature that automatically supplements replicas. When this parameter is set to true, PD does not supplement replicas for the Region with insufficient replicas.
  • Default value: false


  • Determines whether to disable the feature that removes extra replicas. When this parameter is set to true, PD does not remove the extra replicas from the Region with excessive replicas.
  • Default value: false


  • Determines whether to disable isolation level check. When this parameter is set to true, PD does not increase the isolation level of the Region replicas through scheduling.
  • Default value: false


  • Determines the maximum number of operations related to adding peers within a minute
  • Default value: 15


Configuration items related to replicas


  • The number of replicas
  • Default value: 3



  • Enables the strict check for whether the TiKV label matches PD's location-labels.
  • Default value: false


  • Enables placement-rules.
  • Default value: false
  • See Placement Rules.
  • An experimental feature of TiDB 4.0.


Configuration items related to labels


  • The label key for the store that rejected the Leader
  • Default value: ""


  • The label value for the store that rejected the Leader
  • Default value: ""


Configuration items related to the TiDB Dashboard built in PD.


  • The path of the root CA certificate file. You can configure this path when you connect to TiDB's SQL services using TLS.
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the SSL certificate file. You can configure this path when you connect to TiDB's SQL services using TLS.
  • Default value: ""


  • The path of the SSL private key file. You can configure this path when you connect to TiDB's SQL services using TLS.
  • Default value: ""


  • When TiDB Dashboard is accessed behind a reverse proxy, this item sets the public URL path prefix for all web resources.
  • Default value: /dashboard
  • Do not modify this configuration item when TiDB Dashboard is accessed not behind a reverse proxy; otherwise, access issues might occur. See Use TiDB Dashboard behind a Reverse Proxy for details.


  • Determines whether to enable the telemetry collection feature in TiDB Dashboard.
  • Default value: true
  • See Telemetry for details.
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