Quick Start with TiDB Self-Managed

This guide provides the quickest way to get started with TiDB Self-Managed. For non-production environments, you can deploy your TiDB database using either of the following methods:

In addition, you can try out TiDB features on TiDB Playground.

Deploy a local test cluster

This section describes how to quickly deploy a local TiDB cluster for testing on a single macOS or Linux server. By deploying such a cluster, you can learn the basic architecture of the TiDB database and the operation of its components, such as TiDB, TiKV, PD, and the monitoring components.

  • macOS
  • Linux

As a distributed system, a basic TiDB test cluster usually consists of 2 TiDB instances, 3 TiKV instances, 3 PD instances, and optional TiFlash instances. With TiUP Playground, you can quickly set up a test cluster by following these steps:

  1. Download and install TiUP:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/install.sh | sh

    If the following message is displayed, you have successfully installed TiUP:

    Successfully set mirror to https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com Detected shell: zsh Shell profile: /Users/user/.zshrc /Users/user/.zshrc has been modified to add tiup to PATH open a new terminal or source /Users/user/.zshrc to use it Installed path: /Users/user/.tiup/bin/tiup =============================================== Have a try: tiup playground ===============================================

    Note the Shell profile path in the output above. You need to use the path in the next step.

  2. Declare the global environment variable:

    source ${your_shell_profile}
  3. Start the cluster in the current session:

    • To start a TiDB cluster of the latest version with 1 TiDB instance, 1 TiKV instance, 1 PD instance, and 1 TiFlash instance, run the following command:

      tiup playground

      If this is the first time you run the command, TiUP will download the latest version of TiDB and start the cluster.

      The output displays a list of endpoints of the cluster:

      🎉 TiDB Playground Cluster is started, enjoy! Connect TiDB: mysql --comments --host --port 4000 -u root TiDB Dashboard: Grafana:
    • To specify the TiDB version and the number of instances of each component, run a command like this:

      tiup playground v8.5.0 --db 2 --pd 3 --kv 3

      To view all available versions, run tiup list tidb.

  4. Start a new session to access the TiDB cluster endpoints:

  5. (Optional) Load data to TiFlash for analysis.

  6. Clean up the cluster after testing:

    1. Stop the above TiDB service by pressing Control+C.

    2. Run the following command after the service is stopped:

      tiup clean --all

As a distributed system, a basic TiDB test cluster usually consists of 2 TiDB instances, 3 TiKV instances, 3 PD instances, and optional TiFlash instances. With TiUP Playground, you can quickly set up a test cluster by following these steps:

  1. Download and install TiUP:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/install.sh | sh

    If the following message is displayed, you have successfully installed TiUP:

    Successfully set mirror to https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com Detected shell: bash Shell profile: /home/user/.bashrc /home/user/.bashrc has been modified to add tiup to PATH open a new terminal or source /home/user/.bashrc to use it Installed path: /home/user/.tiup/bin/tiup =============================================== Have a try: tiup playground ===============================================

    Note the Shell profile path in the output above. You need to use the path in the next step.

  2. Declare the global environment variable:

    source ${your_shell_profile}
  3. Start the cluster in the current session:

    • To start a TiDB cluster of the latest version with 1 TiDB instance, 1 TiKV instance, 1 PD instance, and 1 TiFlash instance, run the following command:

      tiup playground

      If this is the first time you run the command, TiUP will download the latest version of TiDB and start the cluster.

      The output displays a list of endpoints of the cluster:

      🎉 TiDB Playground Cluster is started, enjoy! Connect TiDB: mysql --comments --host --port 4000 -u root TiDB Dashboard: Grafana:
    • To specify the TiDB version and the number of instances of each component, run a command like this:

      tiup playground v8.5.0 --db 2 --pd 3 --kv 3

      To view all available versions, run tiup list tidb.

  4. Start a new session to access the TiDB cluster endpoints:

  5. (Optional) Load data to TiFlash for analysis.

  6. Clean up the cluster after testing:

    1. Stop the process by pressing Control+C.

    2. Run the following command after the service is stopped:

      tiup clean --all

Simulate production deployment on a single machine

This section describes how to set up the smallest TiDB cluster with a full topology, and simulate production deployment steps on a single Linux server.

The following describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster using a YAML file of the smallest topology in TiUP.


Before deploying the TiDB cluster, ensure that the target machine meets the following requirements:

  • CentOS 7.3 or a later version is installed.
  • The Linux OS has access to the internet, which is required to download TiDB and related software installation packages.

The smallest TiDB cluster topology consists of the following instances:

TiKV310.0.1.1Use incremental port numbers to avoid conflicts
TiDB110.0.1.1Use default port and other configurations
PD110.0.1.1Use default port and other configurations
TiFlash110.0.1.1Use default port and other configurations
Monitor110.0.1.1Use default port and other configurations

Other requirements for the target machine include:

  • The root user and its password are required.

  • Stop the firewall service of the target machine, or open the ports needed by the TiDB cluster nodes

  • Currently, the TiUP cluster supports deploying TiDB on the x86_64 (AMD64) and ARM architectures:

    • It is recommended to use CentOS 7.3 or later versions on AMD64 architecture.
    • It is recommended to use CentOS 7.6 (1810) on ARM architecture.


  1. Download and install TiUP:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://tiup-mirrors.pingcap.com/install.sh | sh
  2. Declare the global environment variable.

    source ${your_shell_profile}
  3. Install the cluster component of TiUP:

    tiup cluster
  4. If the TiUP cluster is already installed on the machine, update the software version:

    tiup update --self && tiup update cluster
  5. Increase the connection limit of the sshd service using the root user privilege. This is because TiUP needs to simulate deployment on multiple machines.

    1. Modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and set MaxSessions to 20.

    2. Restart the sshd service:

      service sshd restart
  6. Create and start the cluster:

    Create and edit the topology configuration file according to the following template, and name it as topo.yaml:

    # # Global variables are applied to all deployments and used as the default value of # # the deployments if a specific deployment value is missing. global: user: "tidb" ssh_port: 22 deploy_dir: "/tidb-deploy" data_dir: "/tidb-data" # # Monitored variables are applied to all the machines. monitored: node_exporter_port: 9100 blackbox_exporter_port: 9115 server_configs: tidb: instance.tidb_slow_log_threshold: 300 tikv: readpool.storage.use-unified-pool: false readpool.coprocessor.use-unified-pool: true pd: replication.enable-placement-rules: true replication.location-labels: ["host"] tiflash: logger.level: "info" pd_servers: - host: tidb_servers: - host: tikv_servers: - host: port: 20160 status_port: 20180 config: server.labels: { host: "logic-host-1" } - host: port: 20161 status_port: 20181 config: server.labels: { host: "logic-host-2" } - host: port: 20162 status_port: 20182 config: server.labels: { host: "logic-host-3" } tiflash_servers: - host: monitoring_servers: - host: grafana_servers: - host:
    • user: "tidb": Use the tidb system user (automatically created during deployment) to perform the internal management of the cluster. By default, use port 22 to log in to the target machine via SSH.
    • replication.enable-placement-rules: This PD parameter is set to ensure that TiFlash runs normally.
    • host: The IP of the target machine.
  7. Execute the cluster deployment command:

    tiup cluster deploy <cluster-name> <version> ./topo.yaml --user root -p
    • <cluster-name>: sets the cluster name.

    • <version>: sets the TiDB cluster version, such as v8.5.0. You can see all the supported TiDB versions by running the tiup list tidb command.

    • --user: specifies the user to initialize the environment.

    • -p: specifies the password used to connect to the target machine.

    Enter "y" and the root user's password to complete the deployment:

    Do you want to continue? [y/N]: y Input SSH password:
  8. Start the cluster:

    tiup cluster start <cluster-name>
  9. Access the cluster endpoints:

    • Install the MySQL client. If it is already installed, skip this step.

      yum -y install mysql
    • Connect to the TiDB database using the MySQL client. The password is empty:

      mysql -h -P 4000 -u root
    • Grafana: http://{grafana-ip}:3000. The default username and password are both admin.

    • TiDB Dashboard: http://{pd-ip}:2379/dashboard. The default username is root, and the password is empty.

  10. (Optional) View the cluster list and topology.

    • To view the cluster list:

      tiup cluster list
    • To view the cluster topology and status:

      tiup cluster display <cluster-name>

    To learn more about the tiup cluster commands, see TiUP Cluster Commands.

  11. Clean up the cluster after testing:

    1. Stop the above TiDB service by pressing Control+C.

    2. Run the following command after the service is stopped:

      tiup clean --all

What's next

If you have just deployed a TiDB cluster for the local test environment, here are the next steps:

If you are ready to deploy a TiDB cluster for the production environment, here are the next steps:

If you are an application developer and want to quickly build an application using TiDB, here are the next steps:

If you are looking for an analytics solution with TiFlash, here are the next steps:

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