Deploy BR Federation on Kubernetes

This document describes how to deploy BR Federation across multiple Kubernetes clusters.


Before deploy BR Federation on Kubernetes cluster, make sure you have met the following prerequisites:

  • Kubernetes version must be >= v1.12.
  • You must have multiple Kubernetes clusters.
  • You have deployed TiDB Operator for all the Kubernetes clusters that serve as data planes.

Step 1: Generate a kubeconfig file in data planes

The BR Federation manages Kubernetes clusters of data planes by accessing their API servers. To authenticate and authorize itself in the API servers, BR Federation requires a kubeconfig file. The users or service accounts in the kubeconfig file need to have at least all the permissions of and CRD.

You can get the kubeconfig file from the Kubernetes cluster administrator. However, if you have permission to access all the data planes, you can generate the kubeconfig file on your own.

Step 1.1: Create RBAC resources in data planes

To enable the BR Federation to manipulate Backup and Restore CR, you need to create the following resources in every data plane.

apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: br-federation-member namespace: tidb-admin --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: br-federation-manager:br-federation-member rules: - apiGroups: - resources: - backups - restores verbs: - '*' --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: br-federation-manager:br-federation-member roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: br-federation-manager:br-federation-member subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: br-federation-member namespace: tidb-admin

For Kubernetes >= v1.24, to let external applications access the Kubernetes API server, you need to manually create a service account secret as follows:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: metadata: name: br-federation-member-secret namespace: tidb-admin annotations: "br-federation-member"

Step 1.2: Generate kubeconfig files

Execute the following script for every data plane.

# for Kubernetes < 1.24 export TOKEN_SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl -n tidb-admin get serviceaccount br-federation-member -o=jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') # for Kubernetes >= 1.24, the service account secret should be created manually as above, so you should use its name as value of TOKEN_SECRET_NAME # export TOKEN_SECRET_NAME=br-federation-member-secret export USER_TOKEN_VALUE=$(kubectl -n tidb-admin get secret/${TOKEN_SECRET_NAME} -o=go-template='{{.data.token}}' | base64 --decode) export CURRENT_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context) export CURRENT_CLUSTER=$(kubectl config view --raw -o=go-template='{{range .contexts}}{{if eq .name "'''${CURRENT_CONTEXT}'''"}}{{ index .context "cluster" }}{{end}}{{end}}') export CLUSTER_CA=$(kubectl config view --raw -o=go-template='{{range .clusters}}{{if eq .name "'''${CURRENT_CLUSTER}'''"}}"{{with index .cluster "certificate-authority-data" }}{{.}}{{end}}"{{ end }}{{ end }}') export CLUSTER_SERVER=$(kubectl config view --raw -o=go-template='{{range .clusters}}{{if eq .name "'''${CURRENT_CLUSTER}'''"}}{{ .cluster.server }}{{end}}{{ end }}') # you should modify this value in different data plane export DATA_PLANE_SYMBOL="a" cat << EOF > {k8s-name}-kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config current-context: ${DATA_PLANE_SYMBOL} contexts: - name: ${DATA_PLANE_SYMBOL} context: cluster: ${CURRENT_CLUSTER} user: br-federation-member-${DATA_PLANE_SYMBOL} namespace: kube-system clusters: - name: ${CURRENT_CLUSTER} cluster: certificate-authority-data: ${CLUSTER_CA} server: ${CLUSTER_SERVER} users: - name: br-federation-member-${DATA_PLANE_SYMBOL} user: token: ${USER_TOKEN_VALUE} EOF

The environment variable $DATA_PLANE_SYMBOL represents the name of the data plane cluster. Make sure that you provide a brief and unique name. In the preceding script, you use this variable as the context name for kubeconfig. The context name will be used as k8sClusterName in both the VolumeBackup and VolumeRestore CR.

Step 1.3: Merge multiple kubeconfig files into one

After following the previous steps to generate kubeconfig, you now have multiple kubeconfig files. You need to merge them into a single kubeconfig file.

Assume that you have 3 kubeconfig files with file paths: kubeconfig-path1, kubeconfig-path2, kubeconfig-path3. To merge these files into one kubeconfig file with file path data-planes-kubeconfig, execute the following command:

KUBECONFIG=${kubeconfig-path1}:${kubeconfig-path2}:${kubeconfig-path3} kubectl config view --flatten > ${data-planes-kubeconfig}

Step 2: Deploy BR Federation in the control plane

To deploy the BR Federation, you need to select one Kubernetes cluster as the control plane. The following steps must be executed on the control plane.

Step 2.1: Create CRD

The BR Federation uses Custom Resource Definition (CRD) to extend Kubernetes. Before using the BR Federation, you must create the CRD in your Kubernetes cluster. After using the BR Federation Manager, you only need to perform the operation once.

kubectl create -f

Step 2.2: Prepare the kubeconfig secret

Now that you already have a kubeconfig file of data planes, you need to encode the kubeconfig file into a secret. Take the following steps:

  1. Encode the kubeconfig file:

    base64 -i ${kubeconfig-path}
  2. Store the output from the previous step in a secret object.

    Note that the name of the secret and the data key of the kubeconfig field must match the following example:

    apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: br-federation-kubeconfig type: Opaque data: kubeconfig: ${encoded-kubeconfig}

Step 2.3: Install BR Federation

This section describes how to install the BR Federation using Helm 3.

  • If you prefer to use the default configuration, follow the Quick deployment steps.
  • If you prefer to use a custom configuration, follow the Custom deployment steps.
  • Quick deployment
  • Custom deployment
  1. To create resources related to the BR Federation, create a namespace:

    kubectl create ns br-fed-admin
  2. In the specified namespace, create a secret that contains all the encoded kubeconfig files:

    kubectl create -f ${secret-path} -n br-fed-admin
  3. Add the PingCAP repository:

    helm repo add pingcap
  4. Install the BR Federation:

    helm install --namespace br-fed-admin br-federation pingcap/br-federation --version v1.5.4
  1. To create resources related to the BR Federation, create a namespace:

    kubectl create ns br-fed-admin
  2. In the specified namespace, create a secret that contains all the encoded kubeconfig files:

    kubectl create -f ${secret-path} -n br-fed-admin
  3. Add the PingCAP repository:

    helm repo add pingcap
  4. Get the values.yaml file of the desired br-federation chart for deployment.

    mkdir -p ${HOME}/br-federation && \ helm inspect values pingcap/br-federation --version=v1.5.4 > ${HOME}/br-federation/values.yaml
  5. Configure the BR Federation by modifying fields such as image, limits, requests, and replicas according to your needs.

  6. Deploy the BR Federation.

    helm install --namespace br-fed-admin br-federation pingcap/br-federation --version v1.5.4 -f ${HOME}/br-federation/values.yaml && \ kubectl get po -n br-fed-admin -l

What's next

After deploying BR Federation, you can now perform the following tasks:

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