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Common Network Issues of TiDB on Kubernetes

This document describes the common network issues of TiDB on Kubernetes and their solutions.

Network connection failure between Pods

In a TiDB cluster, you can access most Pods by using the Pod's domain name (allocated by the Headless Service). The exception is when TiDB Operator collects the cluster information or issues control commands, it accesses the PD (Placement Driver) cluster using the service-name of the PD service.

When you find some network connection issues among Pods from the log or monitoring metrics, or when you find the network connection among Pods might be abnormal according to the problematic condition, follow the following process to diagnose and narrow down the problem:

  1. Confirm that the endpoints of the Service and Headless Service are normal:

    kubectl -n ${namespace} get endpoints ${cluster_name}-pd kubectl -n ${namespace} get endpoints ${cluster_name}-tidb kubectl -n ${namespace} get endpoints ${cluster_name}-pd-peer kubectl -n ${namespace} get endpoints ${cluster_name}-tikv-peer kubectl -n ${namespace} get endpoints ${cluster_name}-tidb-peer

    The ENDPOINTS field shown in the above command must be a comma-separated list of cluster_ip:port. If the field is empty or incorrect, check the health of the Pod and whether kube-controller-manager is working properly.

  2. Enter the Pod's Network Namespace to diagnose network problems:

    tkctl debug -n ${namespace} ${pod_name}

    After the remote shell is started, use the dig command to diagnose the DNS resolution. If the DNS resolution is abnormal, refer to Debugging DNS Resolution for troubleshooting.

    dig ${HOSTNAME}

    Use the ping command to diagnose the connection with the destination IP (the Pod IP resolved using dig):

    ping ${TARGET_IP}
    • If the ping check fails, refer to Debugging Kubernetes Networking for troubleshooting.

    • If the ping check succeeds, continue to check whether the target port is open by using telnet:

      telnet ${TARGET_IP} ${TARGET_PORT}

      If the telnet check fails, check whether the port corresponding to the Pod is correctly exposed and whether the port of the application is correctly configured:

      # Checks whether the ports are consistent. kubectl -n ${namespace} get po ${pod_name} -ojson | jq '.spec.containers[].ports[].containerPort' # Checks whether the application is correctly configured to serve the specified port. # The default port of PD is 2379 when not configured. kubectl -n ${namespace} -it exec ${pod_name} -- cat /etc/pd/pd.toml | grep client-urls # The default port of PD is 20160 when not configured. kubectl -n ${namespace} -it exec ${pod_name} -- cat /etc/tikv/tikv.toml | grep addr # The default port of TiDB is 4000 when not configured. kubectl -n ${namespace} -it exec ${pod_name} -- cat /etc/tidb/tidb.toml | grep port

Unable to access the TiDB service

If you cannot access the TiDB service, first check whether the TiDB service is deployed successfully using the following method:

  1. Check whether all components of the cluster are up and the status of each component is Running.

    kubectl get po -n ${namespace}
  2. Check whether the TiDB service correctly generates the endpoint object:

    kubectl get endpoints -n ${namespaces} ${cluster_name}-tidb
  3. Check the log of TiDB components to see whether errors are reported.

    kubectl logs -f ${pod_name} -n ${namespace} -c tidb

If the cluster is successfully deployed, check the network using the following steps:

  1. If you cannot access the TiDB service using NodePort, try to access the TiDB service using the clusterIP on the node. If the clusterIP works, the network within the Kubernetes cluster is normal. Then the possible issues are as follows:

    • Network failure exists between the client and the node.
    • Check whether the externalTrafficPolicy attribute of the TiDB service is Local. If it is Local, you must access the client using the IP of the node where the TiDB Pod is located.
  2. If you still cannot access the TiDB service using the clusterIP, connect using <PodIP>:4000 on the TiDB service backend. If the PodIP works, you can confirm that the problem is in the connection between clusterIP and PodIP. Check the following items:

    • Check whether kube-proxy on each node is working.

      kubectl get po -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-proxy
    • Check whether the TiDB service rule is correct in the iptables rules.

      iptables-save -t nat |grep ${clusterIP}
    • Check whether the corresponding endpoint is correct:

      kubectl get endpoints -n ${namespaces} ${cluster_name}-tidb
  3. If you cannot access the TiDB service even using PodIP, the problem is on the Pod level network. Check the following items:

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