Use PD Recover to Recover the PD Cluster

PD Recover is a disaster recovery tool of PD, used to recover the PD cluster which cannot start or provide services normally. For detailed introduction of this tool, see TiDB documentation - PD Recover. This document introduces how to download PD Recover and how to use it to recover a PD cluster.

Download PD Recover

  1. Download the official TiDB package:


    In the command above, ${version} is the version of the TiDB cluster, such as v6.1.0.

  2. Unpack the TiDB package:

    tar -xzf tidb-community-toolkit-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz tar -xzf tidb-community-toolkit-${version}-linux-amd64/pd-recover-${version}-linux-amd64.tar.gz

    pd-recover is in the current directory.

Scenario 1: At least one PD node is alive

This section introduces how to recover the PD cluster using PD Recover and alive PD nodes. This section is only applicable to the scenario where the PD cluster has alive PD nodes. If all PD nodes are unavailable, refer to Scenario 2.

Step 1. Recover the PD Pod

Use an alive PD node pd-0 to force recreate the PD cluster. The detailed steps are as follows:

  1. Let pd-0 pod enter debug mode:

    kubectl annotate pod ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace} runmode=debug kubectl exec ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace} -- kill -SIGTERM 1
  2. Enter the pd-0 pod:

    kubectl exec ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace} -it -- sh
  3. Refer to the default startup script pd-start-script or the start script of an alive PD node, and configure environment variables in pd-0:

    # Use HOSTNAME if POD_NAME is unset for backward compatibility. POD_NAME=${POD_NAME:-$HOSTNAME} # the general form of variable PEER_SERVICE_NAME is: "<clusterName>-pd-peer" cluster_name=`echo ${PEER_SERVICE_NAME} | sed 's/-pd-peer//'` domain="${POD_NAME}.${PEER_SERVICE_NAME}.${NAMESPACE}.svc" discovery_url="${cluster_name}-discovery.${NAMESPACE}.svc:10261" encoded_domain_url=`echo ${domain}:2380 | base64 | tr "\n" " " | sed "s/ //g"` elapseTime=0 period=1 threshold=30 while true; do sleep ${period} elapseTime=$(( elapseTime+period )) if [[ ${elapseTime} -ge ${threshold} ]] then echo "waiting for pd cluster ready timeout" >&2 exit 1 fi if nslookup ${domain} 2>/dev/null then echo "nslookup domain ${domain}.svc success" break else echo "nslookup domain ${domain} failed" >&2 fi done ARGS="--data-dir=/var/lib/pd \ --name=${POD_NAME} \ --peer-urls= \ --advertise-peer-urls=http://${domain}:2380 \ --client-urls= \ --advertise-client-urls=http://${domain}:2379 \ --config=/etc/pd/pd.toml \ " if [[ -f /var/lib/pd/join ]] then # The content of the join file is: # demo-pd-0=http://demo-pd-0.demo-pd-peer.demo.svc:2380,demo-pd-1=http://demo-pd-1.demo-pd-peer.demo.svc:2380 # The --join args must be: # --join=http://demo-pd-0.demo-pd-peer.demo.svc:2380,http://demo-pd-1.demo-pd-peer.demo.svc:2380 join=`cat /var/lib/pd/join | tr "," "\n" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' | tr "\n" ","` join=${join%,} ARGS="${ARGS} --join=${join}" elif [[ ! -d /var/lib/pd/member/wal ]] then until result=$(wget -qO- -T 3 http://${discovery_url}/new/${encoded_domain_url} 2>/dev/null); do echo "waiting for discovery service to return start args ..." sleep $((RANDOM % 5)) done ARGS="${ARGS}${result}" fi
  4. Use original pd-0 data directory to force start a new PD cluster:

    echo "starting pd-server ..." sleep $((RANDOM % 10)) echo "/pd-server --force-new-cluster ${ARGS}" exec /pd-server --force-new-cluster ${ARGS} &
  5. Exit pd-0 pod:

  6. Execute the following command to confirm that PD is started:

    kubectl logs -f ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace} | grep "Welcome to Placement Driver (PD)"

Step 2. Recover the PD cluster

  1. Copy pd-recover to the PD pod:

    kubectl cp ./pd-recover ${namespace}/${cluster_name}-pd-0:./
  2. Recover the PD cluster by running the pd-recover command:

    In the command, use the newly created cluster in the previous step:

    kubectl exec ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace} -- ./pd-recover --from-old-member -endpoints
    recover success! please restart the PD cluster

Step 3. Restart the PD Pod

  1. Delete the PD Pod:

    kubectl delete pod ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace}
  2. Confirm the Cluster ID is generated:

    kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -- wget -q kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -- cat cluster

Step 4. Recreate other failed or available PD nodes

In this example, recreate pd-1 and pd-2:

kubectl -n ${namespace} delete pvc pd-${cluster_name}-pd-1 --wait=false kubectl -n ${namespace} delete pvc pd-${cluster_name}-pd-2 --wait=false kubectl -n ${namespace} delete pod ${cluster_name}-pd-1 kubectl -n ${namespace} delete pod ${cluster_name}-pd-2

Step 5. Check PD health and configuration

Check health:

kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -- ./pd-ctl health

Check configuration. The following command uses placement rules as an example:

kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -- ./pd-ctl config placement-rules show

Now the TiDB cluster is recovered.

Scenarios 2: All PD nodes are down and cannot be recovered

This section introduces how to recover the PD cluster by using PD Recover and creating new PD nodes. This section is only applicable when all PD nodes in the cluster have failed and cannot be recovered. If there are alive PD nodes in the cluster, refer to Scenario 1.

Step 1: Get Cluster ID

kubectl get tc ${cluster_name} -n ${namespace} -o='go-template={{.status.clusterID}}{{"\n"}}'


kubectl get tc test -n test -o='go-template={{.status.clusterID}}{{"\n"}}' 6821434242797747735

Step 2. Get Alloc ID

When you use pd-recover to recover the PD cluster, you need to specify alloc-id. The value of alloc-id must be larger than the largest allocated ID (Alloc ID) of the original cluster.

  1. Access the Prometheus monitoring data of the TiDB cluster by taking steps in Access the Prometheus monitoring data.

  2. Enter pd_cluster_id in the input box and click the Execute button to make a query. Get the largest value in the query result.

  3. Multiply the largest value in the query result by 100. Use the multiplied value as the alloc-id value specified when using pd-recover.

Step 3. Recover the PD Pod

  1. Delete the Pod of the PD cluster.

    Execute the following command to set the value of spec.pd.replicas to 0:

    kubectl patch tc ${cluster_name} -n ${namespace} --type merge -p '{"spec":{"pd":{"replicas": 0}}}'

    Because the PD cluster is in an abnormal state, TiDB Operator cannot synchronize the change above to the PD StatefulSet. You need to execute the following command to set the spec.replicas of the PD StatefulSet to 0.

    kubectl patch sts ${cluster_name}-pd -n ${namespace} -p '{"spec":{"replicas": 0}}'

    Execute the following command to confirm that the PD Pod is deleted:

    kubectl get pod -n ${namespace}
  2. After confirming that all PD Pods are deleted, execute the following command to delete the PVCs bound to the PD Pods:

    kubectl delete pvc -l,${cluster_name} -n ${namespace}
  3. After the PVCs are deleted, scale out the PD cluster to one Pod:

    Execute the following command to set the value of spec.pd.replicas to 1:

    kubectl patch tc ${cluster_name} -n ${namespace} --type merge -p '{"spec":{"pd":{"replicas": 1}}}'

    Because the PD cluster is in an abnormal state, TiDB Operator cannot synchronize the change above to the PD StatefulSet. You need to execute the following command to set the spec.replicas of the PD StatefulSet to 1.

    kubectl patch sts ${cluster_name}-pd -n ${namespace} -p '{"spec":{"replicas": 1}}'

    Execute the following command to confirm that the PD cluster is started:

    kubectl logs -f ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace} | grep "Welcome to Placement Driver (PD)"

Step 4. Recover the cluster

  1. Copy pd-recover command to the PD pod:

    kubectl cp ./pd-recover ${namespace}/${cluster_name}-pd-0:./
  2. Execute the pd-recover command to recover the PD cluster:

    kubectl exec ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace} -- ./pd-recover -endpoints -cluster-id ${cluster_id} -alloc-id ${alloc_id}

    In the command above, ${cluster_id} is the cluster ID got in Get Cluster ID. ${alloc_id} is the largest value of pd_cluster_id (got in Get Alloc ID) multiplied by 100.

    After the pd-recover command is successfully executed, the following result is printed:

    recover success! please restart the PD cluster

Step 5. Restart the PD Pod

  1. Delete the PD Pod:

    kubectl delete pod ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -n ${namespace}
  2. Execute the following command to confirm the Cluster ID is the one got in Get Cluster ID.

    kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -- wget -q kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it ${cluster_name}-pd-0 -- cat cluster

Step 6. Scale out the PD cluster

Execute the following command to set the value of spec.pd.replicas to the desired number of Pods:

kubectl patch tc ${cluster_name} -n ${namespace} --type merge -p '{"spec":{"pd":{"replicas": $replicas}}}'

Step 7. Restart TiDB and TiKV

Use the following commands to restart the TiDB and TiKV clusters:

kubectl delete pod -l,${cluster_name} -n ${namespace} && kubectl delete pod -l,${cluster_name} -n ${namespace}

Now the TiDB cluster is recovered.

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