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Enable TiDB Cluster Auto-scaling in Kubernetes

TiDB has implemented an auto-scaling mechanism since v5.0 based on Kubernetes. You can enable the auto-scaling feature in TiDB Operator. This document introduces how to enable and use the auto-scaling feature for a TiDB cluster in Kubernetes.

Enable the auto-scaling feature

The auto-scaling feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the values.yaml file of TiDB Operator and enable AutoScaling in the features option:

    features: - AutoScaling=true
  2. Update TiDB Operator to make the configuration take effect.

    helm upgrade tidb-operator pingcap/tidb-operator --version=${chart_version} --namespace=tidb-admin -f ${HOME}/tidb-operator/values-tidb-operator.yaml
  3. Confirm the resource configuration of the target TiDB cluster.

    Before using the auto-scaling feature on the target TiDB cluster, you need to configure the CPU setting of the corresponding components. For example, you need to configure spec.tikv.requests.cpu in TiKV:

    spec: tikv: requests: cpu: "1" tidb: requests: cpu: "1"

Define the auto-scaling behavior

To define the auto-scaling behavior in the TiDB cluster, configure the TidbClusterAutoScaler CR object. The following is an example:

apiVersion: kind: TidbClusterAutoScaler metadata: name: auto-scaling-demo spec: cluster: name: auto-scaling-demo tikv: resources: storage_small: cpu: 1000m memory: 2Gi storage: 10Gi count: 3 rules: cpu: max_threshold: 0.8 min_threshold: 0.2 resource_types: - storage_small scaleInIntervalSeconds: 500 scaleOutIntervalSeconds: 300 tidb: resources: compute_small: cpu: 1000m memory: 2Gi count: 3 rules: cpu: max_threshold: 0.8 min_threshold: 0.2 resource_types: - compute_small

Implementation principles

According to the configuration of the TidbClusterAutoScaler CR, TiDB Operator sends requests to PD to query the result of scaling. Based on the result, TiDB Operator makes use of the heterogeneous cluster feature to create, update, or delete the heterogeneous TiDB cluster (only the TiDB component or the TiKV component is configured). In this way, the auto-scaling of the TiDB cluster is achieved.

  • spec.cluster: the TiDB cluster to be elastically scheduled.

    • name: the name of the TiDB cluster.
    • namespace: the namespace of the TiDB cluster. If not configured, this field is set to the same namespace as the TidbClusterAutoScaler CR by default.
  • spec.tikv: the configuration related to TiKV elastic scheduling.

  • spec.tikv.resources: the resource types that TiKV can use for elastic scheduling. If not configured, this field is set to the same value as spec.tikv.requests in the TidbCluster CR corresponding to spec.cluster.

    • cpu: CPU configuration.
    • memory: memory configuration.
    • storage: storage configuration.
    • count: the number of resources that the current configuration can use. If this field is not configured, there is no limit on resources.
  • spec.tikv.rules: the rules of TiKV elastic scheduling. Currently only CPU-based rules are supported.

    • max_threshold: If the average CPU utilization of all Pods is higher than max_threshold, the scaling-out operation is triggered.
    • min_threshold: If the average CPU utilization of all Pods is lower than min_threshold, the scaling-in operation is triggered.
    • resource_types: the resource types that can be used for CPU-based elastic scheduling. This field corresponds to key in spec.tikv.resources[]. If not configured, this field is set to all keys in spec.tikv.resources[] by default.
  • spec.tikv.scaleInIntervalSeconds: the interval between this scaling-in operation and the last scaling in/out operation. If not configured, the field is set to 500 by default, which means 500 seconds.

  • spec.tikv.scaleOutIntervalSeconds: the interval between this scaling-out operation and the last scaling in/out operation. If not configured, the field is set to 300 by default, which means 300 seconds.

  • spec.tidb: the configuration related to TiDB elastic scheduling. Other fields are the same as spec.tikv.

For more information about configuration fields, refer to API references.


  1. Run the following commands to quickly deploy a TiDB cluster with 3 PD instances, 3 TiKV instances, 2 TiDB instances, and the monitoring and the auto-scaling features.

    kubectl apply -f -n ${namespace}
    kubectl apply -f -n ${namespace}
    kubectl apply -f -n ${namespace}
  2. Prepare data using sysbench.

    Copy the following content and paste it to the local sysbench.config file:

    mysql-host=${tidb_service_ip} mysql-port=4000 mysql-user=root mysql-password= mysql-db=test time=120 threads=20 report-interval=5 db-driver=mysql

    Prepare data by running the following command:

    sysbench --config-file=${path}/sysbench.config oltp_point_select --tables=1 --table-size=20000 prepare
  3. Start the stress test:

    sysbench --config-file=${path}/sysbench.config oltp_point_select --tables=1 --table-size=20000 run

    The command above will return the following result:

    Initializing worker threads... Threads started! [ 5s ] thds: 20 tps: 37686.35 qps: 37686.35 (r/w/o: 37686.35/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.99 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00 [ 10s ] thds: 20 tps: 38487.20 qps: 38487.20 (r/w/o: 38487.20/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.95 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00
  4. Create a new terminal session and view the Pod changing status of the TiDB cluster by running the following command:

    watch -n1 "kubectl -n ${namespace} get pod"

    The output is as follows:

    auto-scaling-demo-discovery-fbd95b679-f4cb9 1/1 Running 0 17m auto-scaling-demo-monitor-6857c58564-ftkp4 3/3 Running 0 17m auto-scaling-demo-pd-0 1/1 Running 0 17m auto-scaling-demo-tidb-0 2/2 Running 0 15m auto-scaling-demo-tidb-1 2/2 Running 0 15m auto-scaling-demo-tikv-0 1/1 Running 0 15m auto-scaling-demo-tikv-1 1/1 Running 0 15m auto-scaling-demo-tikv-2 1/1 Running 0 15m

    View the changing status of Pods and the TPS and QPS of sysbench. When new Pods are created in TiKV and TiDB, the TPS and QPS of sysbench increase significantly.

    After sysbench finishes the test, the newly created Pods in TiKV and TiDB disappear automatically.

  5. Destroy the environment by running the following commands:

    kubectl delete tidbcluster auto-scaling-demo -n ${namespace} kubectl delete tidbmonitor auto-scaling-demo -n ${namespace} kubectl delete tidbclusterautoscaler auto-scaling-demo -n ${namespace}

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