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TiDB Operator 1.3.0 Release Notes

Release date: February 15, 2022

TiDB Operator version: 1.3.0

Compatibility Change

  • Due to changes in #4400, if a TiDB cluster is deployed across multiple Kubernetes clusters by TiDB Operator (<= v1.3.0-beta.1), upgrading TiDB Operator to v1.3.0 directly will cause failed rolling upgrade. You have to upgrade TiDB Operator by the following steps:

    1. Update CRD.
    2. Add a new spec.acrossK8s field in TidbCluster spec and set it to true.
    3. Upgrade TiDB Operator.
  • Due to the issue in #4434, if you upgrade TiFlash to v5.4.0 or later when using v1.3.0 TiDB Operator, TiFlash might lose metadata and not work. If TiFlash is deployed in your cluster, it is recommended that you upgrade TiDB Operator to v1.3.1 or later versions before upgrading TiFlash.

  • Due to the issue in #4435, when using TiDB Operator v1.3.0, you must set the tmp_path field in TiFlash's config to use TiFlash v5.4.0 or later versions. It is recommended that you upgrade TiDB Operator to v1.3.1 or later versions before you deploy TiFlash.

New Features

  • Add a new field spec.tidb.tlsClient.skipInternalClientCA to skip server certificate verification when internal components access TiDB (#4388, @just1900)
  • Support configuring DNS config for Pods of all components (#4394, @handlerww)
  • Add a new field spec.tidb.initializer.createPassword to support setting a random password for TiDB when deploying a new cluster (#4328, @mikechengwei)
  • Add a new field failover.recoverByUID to support one-time recover for TiKV/TiFlash/DM Worker (#4373, @better0332)
  • Add a new field spec.pd.startUpScriptVersion to use the dig command instead of nslookup to lookup domain in the startup script of PD (#4379, @july2993)


  • Pre-check whether VolumeMount exists when the StatefuleSet of components is deployed or updated to avoid failed rolling upgrade (#4369, @july2993)
  • Enhance the feature of deploying a TiDB cluster across Kubernetes clusters:
    • Add a new field spec.acrossK8s to indicate deploying a TiDB cluster across Kubernetes clusters (#4400, @KanShiori)
    • Support deploying heterogeneous TiDB cluster across Kubernetes clusters (#4387, @KanShiori)
    • The field spec.clusterDomain is not required when TiDB cluster is deployed across Kubernetes clusters. The field is only used for addresses accessed between components (#4408, @KanShiori)
    • Fix the issue that in cross-Kubernetes deployment, Pump becomes abnormal when all PDs of one Kubernetes cluster are down (#4377, @just1900)

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that tidb scheduler cannot be deployed on Kubernetes v1.23 or later versions (#4386, @just1900)

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