PingCAP Clinic Diagnostic Data
PingCAP Clinic Diagnostic Service (PingCAP Clinic) collects diagnostic data from TiDB clusters that are deployed using TiDB Operator. This document lists the types of data collected and their corresponding parameters.
When you collect data using Diag client (Diag), you can add the required parameters to the command according to your needs.
The diagnostic data collected by PingCAP Clinic is only used for troubleshooting cluster problems.
Clinic Server is a diagnostic service deployed in the cloud. There are two independent services based on different storage locations:
- Clinic Server for international users: If you upload the collected data to Clinic Server for international users, the data will be stored in the Amazon S3 set up by PingCAP in AWS US regions. PingCAP strictly controls permissions for data and only allows authorized internal technical support staff to access the data.
- Clinic Server for users in the Chinese mainland: If you upload the collected data to Clinic Server for users in the Chinese mainland, the data will be stored in the Amazon S3 set up by PingCAP in AWS China (Beijing) regions. PingCAP strictly controls permissions for data and only allows authorized internal technical support staff to access the data.
TiDB cluster information
Data type | Exported file | Parameter for PingCAP Clinic |
Basic information of the cluster, including the cluster ID | cluster.json | The data is collected per run by default. |
Detailed information of the cluster | tidbcluster.json | The data is collected per run by default. |
TiDB diagnostic data
Data type | Exported file | Parameter for PingCAP Clinic |
Real-time configuration | config.json | collectors:config |
TiKV diagnostic data
Data type | Exported file | Parameter for PingCAP Clinic |
Real-time configuration | config.json | collectors:config |
PD diagnostic data
Data type | Exported file | Parameter for PingCAP Clinic |
Real-time configuration | config.json | collectors:config |
Outputs of the command tiup ctl pd -u http://${pd IP}:${PORT} store | store.json | collectors:config |
Outputs of the command tiup ctl pd -u http://${pd IP}:${PORT} config placement-rules show | placement-rule.json | collectors:config |
TiFlash diagnostic data
Data type | Exported file | Parameter for PingCAP Clinic |
Real-time configuration | config.json | collectors:config |
TiCDC diagnostic data
Data type | Exported file | Parameter for PingCAP Clinic |
Real-time configuration | config.json | collectors:config |
Debug data | info.txt , status.txt , changefeeds.txt , captures.txt , processors.txt | collectors:debug (Diag does not collect this data type by default) |
Prometheus monitoring data
Data type | Exported file | Parameter for PingCAP Clinic |
All Metrics data | {metric_name}.json | collectors:monitor |
Alert configuration | alerts.json | collectors:monitor |
PingCAP Clinic Diagnostic Datawas last updated 11/16/2022, 7:05:56 AM: Update (#2094)