Aggregate Monitoring Data of Multiple TiDB Clusters

This document describes how to aggregate the monitoring data of multiple TiDB clusters by Thanos to provide centralized monitoring service.


Thanos is a high availability solution for Prometheus that simplifies the availability guarantee of Prometheus.

Thanos provides Thanos Query component as a unified query solution across multiple Prometheus clusters. You can use this feature to aggregate monitoring data of multiple TiDB clusters.

Aggregate monitoring data via Thanos Query

Configure Thanos Query

  1. Configure a Thanos Sidecar container for each TidbMonitor.

    A configuration example is as follows.

    kubectl -n ${namespace} apply -f
  2. Deploy the Thanos Query component.

    1. Download the thanos-query.yaml file for Thanos Query deployment:

      curl -sl -O
    2. Manually modify the --store parameter in the thanos-query.yaml file by updating basic-prometheus:10901 to basic-prometheus.${namespace}:10901.

      ${namespace} is the namespace where TidbMonitor is deployed.

    3. Execute the kubectl apply command for deployment.

      kubectl -n ${thanos_namespace} apply -f thanos-query.yaml

      In the command above, ${thanos_namespace} is the namespace where the Thanos Query component is deployed.

In Thanos Query, a Prometheus instance corresponds to a store and also corresponds to a TidbMonitor. After deploying Thanos Query, you can provide a uniform query interface for monitoring data through Thanos Query's API.

Access the Thanos Query panel

To access the Thanos Query panel, execute the following command, and then access in your browser:

kubectl port-forward -n ${thanos_namespace} svc/thanos-query 9090

If you want to access the Thanos Query panel using NodePort or LoadBalancer, refer to the following documents:

Configure Grafana

After deploying Thanos Query, to query the monitoring data of multiple TidbMonitors, take the following steps:

  1. Log in to Grafana.
  2. In the left navigation bar, select Configuration > Data Sources.
  3. Add or modify a DataSource in the Prometheus type.
  4. Set the URL under HTTP to http://thanos-query.${thanos_namespace}:9090.

Add or remove TidbMonitor

In Thanos Query, a Prometheus instance corresponds to a monitor store and also corresponds to a TidbMonitor. If you need to add, update, or remove a monitor store from the Thanos Query, update the --store configuration of the Thanos Query component, and perform a rolling update to the Thanos Query component.

spec: containers: - args: - query - --grpc-address= - --http-address= - --log.level=debug - --log.format=logfmt - --query.replica-label=prometheus_replica - --query.replica-label=rule_replica - --store=<TidbMonitorName1>-prometheus.<TidbMonitorNs1>:10901 - --store=<TidbMonitorName2>-prometheus.<TidbMonitorNs2>:10901

Configure archives and storage of Thanos Sidecar

Thanos Sidecar supports replicating monitoring data to S3 remote storage.

The configuration of the TidbMonitor CR is as follows:

spec: thanos: baseImage: thanosio/thanos version: v0.17.2 objectStorageConfig: key: objectstorage.yaml name: thanos-objectstorage

Meanwhile, you need to create a Secret. The example is as follows:

apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: thanos-objectstorage type: Opaque stringData: objectstorage.yaml: | type: S3 config: bucket: "xxxxxx" endpoint: "xxxx" region: "" access_key: "xxxx" insecure: true signature_version2: true secret_key: "xxxx" put_user_metadata: {} http_config: idle_conn_timeout: 90s response_header_timeout: 2m trace: enable: true part_size: 41943040

RemoteWrite mode

Besides aggregating data via Thanos Query, you can also push monitoring data to Thanos using Prometheus' RemoteWrite feature.

To enable the RemoteWrite mode, specify the Prometheus RemoteWrite configuration when you create the TidbMonitor CR. For example:

apiVersion: kind: TidbMonitor metadata: name: basic spec: clusters: - name: basic prometheus: baseImage: prom/prometheus version: v2.27.1 remoteWrite: - url: "http://thanos-receiver:19291/api/v1/receive" grafana: baseImage: grafana/grafana version: 7.5.11 initializer: baseImage: version: v8.1.0 reloader: baseImage: version: v1.0.1 prometheusReloader: baseImage: version: v0.49.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

After RemoteWrite is enabled, Prometheus pushes the monitoring data to Thanos Receiver. For more information, refer to the design of Thanos Receiver.

For details on the deployment, refer to this example of integrating TidbMonitor with Thanos Receiver.

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